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[HLDM:S][HL1MP:Source][Dedicated Server][Linux] CFG file issues, etc. #1429

Closed Mecha-Weasel closed 10 years ago

Mecha-Weasel commented 10 years ago

Just used SteamCMD to install Half-Life Deathmatch:Source dedicated server on Linux (Debian 6, 64-bit).

The server does not appear to be automatically executing the "autoexec.cfg" file on start-up. I have tried putting it in the hl1mp/cfg folder, and also tried directly in the hl1mp folder. Neither results in the file being executed on start-up.

What's even weirder, is that when I attempt to manually "exec" the file from the game-console, it throws a seemingly-unrelated error (below) and does not actually perform any of the commands inside the "autoexec.cfg" file:

exec autoexec.cfg
Unknown command "snd_obscured_gain_dB"

The contents of my "autoexec.cfg" file are:

echo [Starting AutoExec.CFG ...]
hostname "Weasel's HL1DM:Source! - Testing!"
map boot_camp

If I manually issue the "map" command, it will start-up the server - and automatically execute my "server.cfg" file in the hl1mp/cfg folder.

I assume the server will also start automatically if I issued the "map" command at the start-up command-line, which I do NOT normally do for my game servers - instead preferring to use "autoexec.cfg".

Here is the content of the "steam.inf" file showing the version numbers in-play:

ghost commented 10 years ago

@Mecha-Weasel HLDM:S somehow loads autoexec.cfg file directly from HL:S. It's probably an issue with search paths priority.

Mecha-Weasel commented 10 years ago

FrenchMan - Thanks, but not sure exactly what you are saying. Do you mean that it is looking in the hl2/cfg or hl2 folder - instead of the hl1mp/cfg folder?

ghost commented 10 years ago

@Mecha-Weasel Yeah, you got it right. HLDM:S loads autoexec.cfg that was accidentally packed to *hl1/hl1pak.vpk** because the priority of VPK files is higher than priority of any local files. So to make use of local autoexec.cfg it must be deleted from VPK first.

Mecha-Weasel commented 10 years ago

So, is there some gameinfo.txt modification I can do to make this work ... "as expected"? (ala HL1 under HLDS)?

Mecha-Weasel commented 10 years ago

For anybody else who hits this, here's what I had to resort to to make it work:

  1. Create a sub-folder under "hl1mp" named "custom".
  2. Inside that "custom" folder, create a folder with some server-specific name ("my-server-stuff" or whatever).
  3. Inside that folder, create a "cfg" folder.
  4. Put the desired autoexec.cfg file inside that "cfg" folder.

That results in a path like this:

[install-folder] / hl1mp / custom / my-server-stuff / cfg / autoexec.cfg