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[Half-Life Source] [HLDM Source] [Feature Request] Add halflifesource.fgd to game install #3250

Open chipsnapper opened 4 years ago

chipsnapper commented 4 years ago

Half-Life Source does not currently have an FGD file that installs with the game, so users must go to the VDC to get it and configure Hammer manually. The FGD file is available here: If added to the game, it should be in Half-Life 2\bin\halflifesource.fgd

chipsnapper commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve The above FGD also applies to HLDMS, which currently has a Hammer which is completely broken. Please tag HLDMS as well.

1157 commented 4 years ago

Hammer for HLDMS work's fine with adding FGD you also need to move gameinfo.txt here is the how to if you would like to map in HLDMS. `The SDK for hldms is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 1 Source Deathmatch\bin\Hammer.exe

You need the the FGD file, you can find it here.

Here is the rest of the info:

*This is for setting up Hammer world editor (2013_MP) for Hldms.

Valve did not ship the FGD file with the new SDK, add FGD to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\bin (put in bin folder).

Hldms also needs the gameinfo.txt file, located at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\COMMON\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl1mp make a copy and paste at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\COMMON\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl2 (paste in hl2 folder)

The new SDK does not have a launcher so make desktop shortcuts for Hammer.exe,studiomdl.exe,hlfaceposer.exe,hlmv.exe these can be found at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\bin

Check to make sure you have a mapsrc folder @ and make a desktop shortcut to get to your maps .vmf file easy C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl1mp\mapsrc

Now open up hammer with the hammer.exe icon.

Select the "restore down icon" (To make hammer smaller so you can read this and see hammer).

Select (upper left on hammer) tools then options.

Click on "Edit" select "add" and enter Half-life Deathmatch click ok then close.

From the drop down (arrow down) (under configuration) select Half-life Deathmatch.

Now under Game date files we need to load our FGD file so click on add and the "bin" folder should load up select hl1mp.fgd click on it then select open (it will load the info).

Texture format and Map type leave as they are.

Under default pointentity class select info_player_deathmatch.

Under default Solidentity class select Func_detail.

Default texture scale and Default lightmap scale leave alone

Cordon texture browse for tools/toolsskybox and set that as the texture.

Game executable Directory browse to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch (click on the + sign to keep expanding,) when you get to "half-life 1 source deathmatch" click on the text for "half-life 1 source deathmatch" then click ok.

we only need to tell hammer "where" the hl2.exe is,you wont see it in the folder with the "browse for folder window".

Game directory click down (using the + sign to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl1mp Once again when you see "hl1mp" dont expand click on the text "hl1mp".

For the Hammer .VMF Directory (your mapsrc folder) click down to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl1mp expand hl1mp this time you will see the folder named mapsrc click on the text "mapsrc" then ok.* note if this is a fresh install or you did not move your old mapsrc folder you need to make one here.

Now click on "build programs" tab (upper right on configure Hammer) On top line select "half-life deathmatch" with the down arrow.

Under the next one "Game executable" click on the folders (you may need to go up to arrow to get to C: program files as it starts in "bin" double click on the folder's to move along) to get to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl2.exe (click on hl2.exe)then open tab.

BSP executable at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\bin (VBSP.EXE) click on it then open tab. Same for vvis executable and vrad executable.

This is the Last one, "place compiled maps in this directory" at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\half-life 1 source deathmatch\hl1mp\custom\ANY_NAME_YOU_WANT\maps click on the text for maps. (there is a map folder at hl1mp keep that for valve core maps, custom new ones at the new folder location, if you dont have a custom\ANY_NAME_YOU_WANT\maps folder you need to create them first. Something like this custom\reddog\maps note reddog name does not matter you can use any name, hammer searches with a "" for wild card so any name will work

You are done., click apply then ok and restart Hammer. Another note when you compile a map, a new bug is that hammer will start the new map but wont hook steam to start no big deal you can just start from "create a server" /your_map

We want to all custom stuff in the "custom" folder to keep it neat and separate from updates, custom/reddog/maps

Materials Models Sounds CFG

(Everybody above gets a folder)

Think of the "custom" folder as the new hl1mp folder, the reason is, if we leave our stuff in hl1mp, and they do a update, it will affect our stuff to as well, the less they can get ahold of the better.`