ValveSoftware / SteamVR-for-Linux

Issue tracker for the Linux port of SteamVR
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Steam Store doesn't allow filtering for SteamVR games on Linux #37

Open ChristophHaag opened 7 years ago

ChristophHaag commented 7 years ago

Vendors are currently selling Steam Machines with Vives as optional peripherals, for example:

Users who buy such a Steam Machine with the Vive might go to the Steam Store and search for Games with SteamOS/Linux support and with Vive support and get this list as a result:

They then need to check for every single game whether this game supports the Vive on Linux, because this information is not available in the Steam Store. Often enough it is not available at all and users need to infer from the lack of information that it won't have Vive support on Linux. This is currently the case for almost all of these games.

That's a very poor user experience. What's the point of a store with filtering functionality if you can't even filter for which games you can play on your current platform with your currently connected peripherals? Why does there need to be a user curated list like instead of this information being available in the actual steam store?

EndeavourAccuracy commented 6 years ago

This is still a serious problem.

Currently, buying from the list filtered by e.g. "SteamOS + Linux" + "HTC Vive" is a total gamble - with bad odds too. There are community efforts to create lists of game/HMD combos that work on Linux, but Valve should allow publishers to mark for each OS which HMD is supported. What Valve is doing now, dumping all OS and HMD logos on games' pages, is not customer friendly.

Balderick commented 6 years ago

I see a simple disclaimer in the vive option details section listed on steam machine vendors website highlighting steamvr for Linux is not for consumers as being all that is needed to help consumers from being misled into believing steam machines officially support steamvr . This repos readme clearly indicates steamvr for Linux is for devs only, which explains why steam store tags and search filters are the way the are.

This is not an issue IMHO.

ChristophHaag commented 1 year ago

Update: VR support information is now in the System Requirements section, which means that it is actuallyper platform now:

Some problems:

It's not a mandatory field to fill in, so game developers forget it easily. For example Groove Gunner's windows requirements say VR Support: SteamVR. Standing or Room Scale, but its linux requirements doesn't have a VR section even though it actually supports the same on Linux: Talos Principle VR mentions vr support in the Additional Notes for Linux, but they don't have the VR Support section for Linux: Easy solution: If it is filled in for at least one platform, it should have to be filled in for all platforms. Developers would have to put an explicit None there if they don't have VR support on Linux.

btw: Half Life Alyx doesn't have System Requirements for linux at all.

Even if all developers fill in their requirements completely, the Steam Store still doesn't allow users to search for or filter out games based on system requirements.