ValveSoftware / csgo-osx-linux

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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CSGO Server Caster Issue with launch option -interactivecaster #2130

Open TandelK opened 5 years ago

TandelK commented 5 years ago

Create a fresh CSGO Community Server and use the commands fro adding Caster to the game using command of tv_allow_camera_man_steamid STEAMID64 in server.cfg

After that start the game server and the Client needs to start game with -interactivecaster Launch Option. As soon as you join the game with the Launch option the Microphone of Caster gets automatically open and start transmitting , would recommend to change it to either Key Press or Option to Disable in between. Many of them might be thinking it is correct option to keep it open but sometime it does send unwanted voice in between which is off related to game topics when casters want to discuss with other Caster off game or someone else. So its better to give option to Caster to keep his mic open or close.

TandelK commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve Any update on this ? Or you guys can add a function that can use Always Open Mic or In Game Microphone Key from settings area.