This pull request adds a GitHub Action workflow file that executes Qwiet preZero's Static Application Security Testing (SAST) on this PR. Once merged, it will also execute SAST on all future PRs opened in this repository.
Visit to see the security findings for this repository.
We've done a few things on your behalf
Created a new branch and opened this pull request
Generated a unique secret SHIFTLEFT_ACCESS_TOKEN to allow GitHub Actions in this repository to communicate with the Qwiet API
Created a GitHub Action that will send this pull request to Qwiet for analysis
Added a status check that displays the result of the GitHub Action
This pull request adds a GitHub Action workflow file that executes Qwiet preZero's Static Application Security Testing (SAST) on this PR. Once merged, it will also execute SAST on all future PRs opened in this repository.
Visit to see the security findings for this repository.
We've done a few things on your behalf
to allow GitHub Actions in this repository to communicate with the Qwiet APIQuestions? Comments? Want to learn more? Get in touch with us or check out our documentation.