Currently, Organizers do not have their Dashboard rendered. This should be fixed in our routes.
Yeah–so in src/client/assets/routes.js, the OrganizerDash is supposedly rendered in for Organizers, but it currently only renders a loading spinner since the dashboard itself is broken. Therefore, src/client/routes/dashboard/OrganizerDash.tsx should be fixed.
The desired functionality is to render some charts and other useful statistics for organizers–the query should be fixed to allow for this, and render some data charts.
number of accepted, rejected, applied, etc hackers
top N chools with most hackers applied/rejected/accepted/etc.
class standing/grad year of applicants/attendees
States hackers are from
T shirt size aggregates
Number of new applicants/accepteds/rejections per day
Note: probably best as a stats object with fields for each status: (accepted, attending, applied, etc or other) and each field having a stats object containing the above fields
Display this information in graphs and pretty data viz in OrganizerDash.tsx
Currently, Organizers do not have their Dashboard rendered. This should be fixed in our routes.
Yeah–so in src/client/assets/routes.js, the OrganizerDash is supposedly rendered in for Organizers, but it currently only renders a loading spinner since the dashboard itself is broken. Therefore, src/client/routes/dashboard/OrganizerDash.tsx should be fixed.
The desired functionality is to render some charts and other useful statistics for organizers–the query should be fixed to allow for this, and render some data charts.