Vasfed / csso-rails

CSS Optimizer(csso) ruby wrapper for Rails Asset pipeline
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Suggest csso to Sprockets #20

Open ai opened 10 years ago

ai commented 10 years ago

CSSO is a best compressor. Maybe we should suggest it to Sporockets by default? I will support your issue.

Vasfed commented 10 years ago

Yep it is, but default option is supposed to be lighter - sass does not depend on js runtime :(

ai commented 10 years ago

But Uglifier require. Does csso-rails works with most of js runtimes (not only with node.js)?

Vasfed commented 10 years ago

execjs makes it relatively independent of actual runtime (only speed will differ mostly)

ai commented 10 years ago

OK. Post here sprockets issue link, when you create it.