Vatsim-Scandinavia / ENOR-Sectorfile

Norway FIR plugins and configurations for sector file
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SUP addition to alias file #372

Closed DotWallop closed 2 months ago

DotWallop commented 2 months ago

I propose to add some basic SUP-related alias entries in order to standardize the wallop text and give enough information to the handling supervisor, without imposing too much workload on the controller. The alias entries are for the most time-critical and most often occurring SUP reports. For ease of reference, the shorthand will be prefixed with sup, the aliases are named so they are easy to memorize, and the content is short and concise.

.supnordo .wallop Callsign $1 is unresponsive in controlled airspace. .supnoclr .wallop Callsign $1 is moving without clearance. .suprwyspawn .wallop Callsign $1 has spawned on an active runway. .suphotmic .wallop Callsign $1 is hot-micing on active frequency ($com). .supnoob .wallop Callsign $1 does not meet the minimum pilot competency requirements and SUP intervention is requested.

marud94 commented 2 months ago

Added to Alias and documentation on the wiki as well.