Vectorized / solady

Optimized Solidity snippets.
MIT License
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🤍 What is src/Milady.sol? #965

Open anthonyra opened 1 week ago

anthonyra commented 1 week ago

What exactly is Milady?

atarpara commented 1 week ago

It is lengendy NFT with great community.

anthonyra commented 1 week ago

Is it suppose to be in this "library" of snippets?

Vectorized commented 1 week ago

For rapid prototyping.

g4titanx commented 1 week ago

can I take this on?

nazariyv commented 1 week ago


Elliott-Green commented 1 week ago milady

kadenzipfel commented 1 week ago


jacksmithinsulander commented 1 week ago

Jon-Becker commented 1 week ago
