Vimjas / vint

Fast and Highly Extensible Vim script Language Lint implemented in Python.
MIT License
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TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable on 'silent! redir => swapfile' #374

Open Konfekt opened 3 years ago

Konfekt commented 3 years ago

This function

function! s:filter_out_swapfile(matched_files)
    silent! redir => swapfile
        silent swapname
    redir END
    let swapfile = fnamemodify(swapfile[1:], ':p')

    return filter(a:matched_files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p") != swapfile')

from gives the exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/bin/vint", line 11, in <module>
    │        └ <function main at 0x7f1fefc41048>
    └ <module 'sys' (built-in)>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/", line 11, in main
    └ <function init_cli at 0x7f1fec6f6b70>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/", line 22, in init_cli
    └ <vint.linting.cli.CLI object at 0x7f1feff44320>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/linting/", line 27, in start
    violations = self._lint_all(env, config_dict)
                 │              │    └ {'cmdargs': {'verbose': False, 'severity': <Level.WARNING: 1>, 'error-limit': 50, 'stat': False, 'color': False, 'json': False, ...
                 │              └ {'cmdargs': {'verbose': None, 'error': None, 'warning': None, 'style_problem': None, 'max_violations': None, 'color': None, 'no_...
                 └ <vint.linting.cli.CLI object at 0x7f1feff44320>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/linting/", line 124, in _lint_all
    violations += linter.lint_file(file_path)
    │             │                └ PosixPath('.vim/plugin/DidYouMean.vim')
    │             └ <vint.linting.linter.Linter object at 0x7f1fec459320>
    └ []
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/linting/", line 107, in lint_file
    root_ast = self._parser.parse_file(path)
               │                       └ PosixPath('.vim/plugin/DidYouMean.vim')
               └ <vint.linting.linter.Linter object at 0x7f1fec459320>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 40, in parse_file
    return self.parse(decoded_and_lf_normalized)
           │          └ '" Vim global plugin for selecting the file you actually want to open\n" Maintainer: Daniel Schemala <istjanichtzufassen@gmail.c...
           └ <vint.ast.parsing.Parser object at 0x7f1fec459080>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 29, in parse
    │              └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
    └ <vint.ast.plugin.scope_plugin.ScopePlugin object at 0x7f1fec4590b8>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 32, in process
    processed_ast = self._ref_tester.process(ast)
                    │                        └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
                    └ <vint.ast.plugin.scope_plugin.ScopePlugin object at 0x7f1fec4590b8>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 43, in process
    │                    └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
    └ <vint.ast.plugin.scope_plugin.scope_linker.ScopeLinker object at 0x7f1fec459588>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 312, in process
    attached_ast = id_classifier.attach_identifier_attributes(ast)
                   │                                          └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
                   └ <vint.ast.plugin.scope_plugin.identifier_classifier.IdentifierClassifier object at 0x7f1fec459860>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 122, in attach_identifier_attributes
    ast_with_parsed_redir = redir_assignment_parser.process(ast)
                            │                               └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
                            └ <vint.ast.plugin.scope_plugin.redir_assignment_parser.RedirAssignmentParser object at 0x7f1fec459828>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 33, in process
    traverse(ast, on_enter=enter_handler)
    │        │             └ <function RedirAssignmentParser.process.<locals>.enter_handler at 0x7f1fec4a5400>
    │        └ {'type': 1, 'pos': {'col': 1, 'i': 0, 'lnum': 1}, 'body': [{'type': 2, 'pos': {'i': 0, 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1, 'offset': 0}, 'str':...
    └ <function traverse at 0x7f1fec81bd90>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 244, in traverse
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 9, in for_each
    call_if_def(func, node)
    │           │     └ {'type': 4, 'pos': {'i': 147, 'lnum': 6, 'col': 1, 'offset': 147}, 'body': [{'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, ...
    │           └ <function traverse.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f1ff17f3a60>
    └ <function call_if_def at 0x7f1fec81bb70>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 23, in call_if_def
    │    └ {'type': 4, 'pos': {'i': 147, 'lnum': 6, 'col': 1, 'offset': 147}, 'body': [{'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, ...
    └ <function traverse.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f1ff17f3a60>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 243, in <lambda>
    accessor_func(lambda child_node: traverse(child_node, on_enter, on_leave),
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 244, in traverse
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 9, in for_each
    call_if_def(func, node)
    │           │     └ {'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, 'offset': 206}, 'ea': {'forceit': 0, 'addr_count': 0, 'line1': 0, 'line2': 0...
    │           └ <function traverse.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f1fec4c76a8>
    └ <function call_if_def at 0x7f1fec81bb70>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 1 [DidYouMean.vim]                                                     |~/.config
 23, in call_if_def
    │    └ {'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, 'offset': 206}, 'ea': {'forceit': 0, 'addr_count': 0, 'line1': 0, 'line2': 0...
 1 [DidYouMean.vim]                                                     |~/.config
    └ <function traverse.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f1fec4c76a8>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 243, in <lambda>
    accessor_func(lambda child_node: traverse(child_node, on_enter, on_leave),
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 247, in traverse
    handler(node, on_enter=on_enter, on_leave=on_leave)
    │       │              │                  └ None
    │       │              └ <function RedirAssignmentParser.process.<locals>.enter_handler at 0x7f1fec4a5400>
    │       └ {'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, 'offset': 206}, 'ea': {'forceit': 0, 'addr_count': 0, 'line1': 0, 'line2': 0...
    └ <function traverse_redir_content at 0x7f1fec7a7510>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/plugin/scope_plugin/", line 48, in traverse_redir_content
    traverse(node[REDIR_CONTENT], on_enter=on_enter, on_leave=on_leave)
    │        │    │                        │                  └ None
    │        │    │                        └ <function RedirAssignmentParser.process.<locals>.enter_handler at 0x7f1fec4a5400>
    │        │    └ 'VINT:redir_content'
    │        └ {'type': 3, 'pos': {'i': 206, 'lnum': 7, 'col': 13, 'offset': 206}, 'ea': {'forceit': 0, 'addr_count': 0, 'line1': 0, 'line2': 0...
    └ <function traverse at 0x7f1fec81bd90>
  File "/home/konfekt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vint/ast/", line 228, in traverse
    node_type = NodeType(node['type'])
                │        └ None
                └ <enum 'NodeType'>
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable