VinS101 / LazyTradeLogger

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Lazy Logger

Welcome to Lazy Trade Logger! This application allows you to easily keep track of your options trades and your P/L, even after adjusting your trades. This app is platform agnostic and is well suited towards options traders who use multiple trading platforms, but don't want to depend on their trading platform to track their trades.

Example use case: Mike uses three different trading platforms: TD Ameritrade, E-trade, and Robinhood. He wants a tool to help him keep track of all his trades across all the trading platforms he is using, so that he can see an overview and analytics of his open trades, closed trades and P/L (Profit loss). This is where Lazy Trade Logger comes into play. Lazy Trade Logger allows Mike to seamlessly enter each trade as he enters, and keeps track of the trades and visualizes them.

Lazy Trade Logger Console

The console implementation allows the user to input data about the trade they want to log, and it would log it into their desired destination

How to run: .\LTLConsole.exe

Parameters: -t, --ticker Required. The stock ticker (Required)

-s, --strategy Required. The strategy (Required)

-o, --opendate The date when the position was opened

-e, --expiration Required. The date when this position will expire (Required)

-q, --quantity The quantity of the position (position size)

-d, --delta Required. The delta or net delta of the position. (Required)

--price Required. Price of the options contract (Required)

--underlying Required. Price of the underlying (Required)

--shortputstrike The strike Price of the short put

--longputstrike The strike Price of the long put

--shortcallstrike The strike Price of the short call

--longcallstrike The strike Price of the long call

--status The current trade status

--commentopen Comments for opening the trade

--commentclose Comments at the closing of the trade

--help Display this help screen.

--version Display version information.