VirtusLab-Open-Source / strapi-plugin-comments

A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides end to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more.
MIT License
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Can relate only one content type #93

Closed ChiKaLiO closed 2 years ago

ChiKaLiO commented 2 years ago

I just added the plugin and everything seemed fine until i tried to post a comment..

    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "message": "{\"name\":\"Strapi:Plugin:Comments\",\"status\":400,\"message\":\"Can relate only one content type\"}"

the post body:

    "authorId": "2",
    "authorName": "Joe Doe",
    "authorEmail": "",
    "content": "My sample response",


module.exports = {
    comments: {
    enableUsers: true,
    relatedContentTypes: {
      forum_austerities: {
        uuid: '',
        contentManager: true,
        __contentType: '',
        key: 'title',
        value: 'id',


    "comments": {
      "plugin": "comments",
      "collection": "comment",
      "via": "related"
cyp3rius commented 2 years ago

@ChiKaLiO are you using v3 or v4 of Strapi?

ChiKaLiO commented 2 years ago

@ChiKaLiO are you using v3 or v4 of Strapi?

V3, i'm using mongo

cyp3rius commented 2 years ago

@ChiKaLiO I've checked your case and it seems that you didn't done the POST properly:

    "related": [{
        "refId": 1,
        "ref": "forum-austerity",
        "field": "comments"

Simply the related is missing. See