Open Nyx2022 opened 1 month ago
这个可以应该挺好实现的 可以尝试提pr贡献代码哦 @Nyx2022
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Thank you for your feedback! We have received your question and will deal with it later. If any developer is interested in this issue, please leave a message "claim this issue" below the issue. Welcome to participate in open source co-construction! We are very grateful to every contributor. After submitting the PR, we will prepare a gift for the developers who participated in the co-construction. For participation in co-construction, please refer to: To communicate with official developers, you can download the Feishu app and scan the QR code to join the Feishu group! Thank you again for your support!
What problem does this feature solve?
当数据会实时更新(而却速度非常快)时,如果没有 origindata,而是使用调用getRecordByCell或getSelectedCellInfos方法的话,在更新之后获取到的就不是鼠标点一下那一瞬间的数据。我这边是发现有明显出入的,所以建议向key_down的回调事件一样添加一个originData字段
What does the proposed API look like?