Vizzuality / mangrove-atlas

Global Mangrove Watch
MIT License
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Mangrove Coastal Protection Design #756

Open larranz-vizz opened 1 year ago

larranz-vizz commented 1 year ago

Hello @klongleywood and @lhilarides,

We have a proposal for this widget. After analyzing the data, we think it is interesting to show it this way. Let me know what you think.

Note that the data is not real in the design, and the map choropleth is missing, but we would like to validate the concept by now.


larranz-vizz commented 1 year ago

Hello @klongleywood and @lhilarides, we have iterated on this design. As we can only show one scenario at a time on the map, we highlighted the selected scenario from the sentence in the chart.

But also, we would like to suggest three options, depending on the user needs:

  1. User needs to see both the 3 scenarios and the 3 indicators within each scenario.
  2. User needs to see the 3 indicators for each scenario.
  3. User needs to see the 3 scenarios for one indicator each time.

As you can see, in 2 and 3, the widgets are smaller, and the user can select both the scenario and the indicator in the sentence.

I look forward for your comments.


dhakelila commented 1 year ago

Decided to use version 1 (User needs to see both the 3 scenarios and the 3 indicators within each scenario.)

Note: Let Kate know when is on staging for the data providers to review it.

dhakelila commented 1 year ago

@lhilarides , @klongleywood , we realized that the numbers provided for number of "people protected" includes decimal positions in most of the cases. We rounded those just removing the decimal part.

klongleywood commented 1 year ago

@dhakelila @lhilarides -- yes, thank you!

klongleywood commented 1 year ago

@dhakelila we gave this a bit more thought on our call later today and we agreed on the following -- a bit different than what we discussed on the call. What we'd like is the following:

  1. Scale bar changes with different storm scenarios -- so the highest value should only reflect the highest value for that storm scenario
  2. Experiment with using a log scale
  3. Rather than confusing people wondering where numbers are coming from, on the scale bar, just use low to high

Also, the text should read:

In [country], mangroves are expected to protect [area] during a [select storm scenario].

choices are average annual storm, 25 year storm, and 100 year storm.

We may need to make sure that this phrasing would work when translated to other languages

klongleywood commented 1 year ago

Info button language below. If it's also easy to add a data download icon you could just provide the link to the data:

Overview: Mangroves play a vital role in protecting coastlines from damage due to waves and tropical storms, easing risks of erosion and flooding to coastal communities. The data displayed in this widget quantifies, on a global scale, the socioeconomic benefits provided by mangroves in preventing damage from storms. This information can be used to incentivise conservation initiatives that protect and restore the mangrove areas most critical for coastal protection. Data are aggregated to the country-scale and benefits are expressed using three metrics: the number of people, total land area, and property values protected from flooding for three different scenarios of storm intensity (annual, 25-year, and 100-year). These values are calculated by comparing a scenario in which all mangroves have been lost, to a scenario in which mangroves are present. The model employs spatially-explicit hydrodynamic models with socioeconomic data depicting the distribution of people and property, and considers climatic factors in both cyclonic and non-cyclonic conditions. Note that this model uses the Giri mangrove extent (2011) dataset and not GMW mangrove extents. Data Link: Reference: Menéndez et al. (2020) License: N/A

klongleywood commented 3 months ago

@mluena and fyi @lhilarides

I believe that the expected behavior for this tool is that by clicking on a bar in the chart representing a different storm scenario (25 or 100 year), that the data would change on the map and that the chart would show that that scenario had been activated by changing from gray to a color. Right now, we can hover over a bar chart to get a total value per country, but it doesn't change what's shown on the map.


lhilarides commented 2 months ago

@mluena and fyi @lhilarides

I believe that the expected behavior for this tool is that by clicking on a bar in the chart representing a different storm scenario (25 or 100 year), that the data would change on the map and that the chart would show that that scenario had been activated by changing from gray to a color. Right now, we can hover over a bar chart to get a total value per country, but it doesn't change what's shown on the map.

Yes, that was also my understanding

klongleywood commented 2 months ago

FYI this is still an open issue that I'd like to see fixed, but not a priority prior to Friday July 26th