VolmitSoftware / React

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Entity Attributes for mob stacking #352

Closed cyberpwnn closed 6 years ago

cyberpwnn commented 6 years ago
LogGits commented 6 years ago

in terms of sheep and chicken dropping multiplied wool and eggs, if this is added, it would be amazing if it was optional/configurable in config.

Also does this mean that sheared sheep don't stack with regular sheep? If so this would be an awesome way of combatting stack abuse 👍

cyberpwnn commented 6 years ago

The issue with eggs and sheep is that the only way to currently do it (without very risky ... and dirty hacking) is to literally check when an egg item is spawned (or wool item) then figure out who dropped it, and see if there is a sheep nearby... or chicken and hope to god it was the right one lol

LogGits commented 6 years ago

The only downside of PlayerShearEntityEvent is that you cant modify the drop, you could cancel the drop and spawn in the item at the location.

As for Chicken eggs yeah that would be the case. ItemSpawnEvent or something like that. Maybe a really small proximity? Another plugin used this for eggs: https://github.com/Pwn9/PwnChickenLay/blob/master/src/com/pwn9/PwnChickenLay/PwnChickenLayItemSpawnListener.java

cyberpwnn commented 6 years ago

Oh they added that finally, alright, awesome. As long as an event fires when it happens i can deal with the rest. And anything in java can be modified with the right eraser and pencil.

So my only concern now is chickens. And yeah, ive done something like that, not proud of it, and dont want to do something like that. I may as well just ""tweak"" the AI goals of a chicken to increase egg laying intervals.

cyberpwnn commented 6 years ago

Implemented in 6.564