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Death Knight Spell Feedback #681

Open AceAzzermeen opened 3 years ago

AceAzzermeen commented 3 years ago

Death Grip: Looking at other 1st level movement/control type spells, the range is probably a bit too big. Suggestion: Make the range 30 feet. Potentially add upcasting for additional range, but I’d discuss it first (+30 feet per additional spell level, perhaps).

Freezing Touch: The end condition should probably be taking damage, otherwise you can fireball a frozen target all day without breaking the spell. Which, while amusing, is not great balance-wise. Suggestion: Change the end to, “The spell ends early if the target takes any damage.”

Howling Blast: Given that the spell lasts 1 round, I’d drop the “or until a wind of moderate etc.” part. It’s unnecessary for such a short duration.

Tyloris commented 3 years ago

I'll also add that Dominate Undead is effectively useless since most undead are immune to the charmed condition anyway. At best you can control a skeleton or zombie.

Frogvall commented 3 years ago

Scourge is not done yet. So it depends.

Frogvall commented 3 years ago

But if we assume the 5e pattern here, we could make the spell ignore charm immunity up to a certain CR.

orjanbp commented 2 years ago

Also to add on to Freezing Touch here,after Aeagle pointed it out on Discord 😄

It is exclusively available through the Frost Presence at 13th level. That might've been a bit more 'fair enough' if the spell had also been on the spell list, so ... is the mistake here that Freezing Touch is a really late 2nd level spelll, or is it supposed to be a 4th level spell?

It is a 1-minute no concentration Incapacitated and Restrained (cannot do anything, cannot move, adv. on attacks against it, disdv. on dex saves) that has no repeating saves. It just stays until another creature hits it and breaks the ice, assuming the intent is to just put someone out of the fight until either an ally wastes an attack to free them or the party then later breaks the freeze after other targets are picked off.

AceAzzermeen commented 2 years ago

Have to say that freezing touch has been reworded with the mage update. The outcome remains the same though.

Your fingers become cold to the touch as frost manifests on their surface. Make a melee spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the creature is incapacitated and restrained until the spell ends as ice encapsulates their body. The spell ends for an affected creature if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to break the creature out of the ice.

orjanbp commented 2 years ago

Aah okay, so the spell is a more broadly available spell then? Just didn't look as much like that when it was by itself and in the DK document. 😅

Then, given that it'd still be intended as a 2nd level spell, I'd imagine the resolution to this issue would lay with the Death Knight rather than with the spell itself. I could open that up as a new issue ticket for that.

And then meanwhile here in this issue, the resolution for Freezing Touch for the Death Knight would be that it uses the same updated description as the mage doc has.