Closed cybersea closed 4 years ago
Sent an e-mail to Marten Hogeweg asking for confirmation that v.1.2.x could be used to harvest DCAT. Received this reply.
hi Allison,
you should be able to take their dcat file: and use the new harvester ( to achieve this.
PS: in 2016 we released geoportal server 2.x (, a complete rewrite using elastic as backend, no rdbms, and no more JSF. in return you’d have faceted search built-in (and configurable). here is a sample site:
kind regards,
Key Question: Can DCAT records be selectively harvested?
Will be upgrading to v.1.2.9
DCAT harvesting works now, but selective harvesting remains an open topic.
The new ESRI Open Data sites, like the one at the State of Washington,, can be accessed using DCAT, like so: See ESRI Docs on Federating to CKAN
It looks like Geoportal Server v.1.2.4 can support DCAT output from the catalog, but not necessarily harvest from other catalogs. Likely need to upgrade to more recent version of 1.2.x
Looks like DCAT harvesting was added in 1.2.5 With Enhanced support in 1.2.6 And even more enhancements in 1.2.7:
Or, transition to v.2.x which has a new architecture. The harvester and the catalog are no separated into two products. There is no database backend and it uses Elasticsearch 5.x for Faceting