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Patch route doesn't work #16

Closed jyang1003 closed 2 years ago

jyang1003 commented 2 years ago

What stack are you using?

(ex: MERN(mongoose + react), DR(django + react), PEN, etc.)


What's the problem you're trying to solve?

Patch route won't work

Post any code you think might be relevant (one fenced block per file)

router.patch('/intake/:profileId/:intakeId', removeBlanks, (req, res, next) => {
        .then(profile => {
            // find the individual comment 
            console.log('this is profile', profile)
            console.log('this is intake id', req.params.intakeId)
            const nutrients = profile.nutrition.id(req.params.intakeId)
            // get the new comment from req.body
            const newNutrition = req.body.nutrition
            // update the old comment
            nutrients.body = newNutrition.body
                // can't do it the way below because it is a model method and comments are only a schema
                // comment.updateOne(newComment)
            // save the place
            return profile.save()
        .then(() => res.sendStatus(204))

If you see an error message, post it here. If you don't, what unexpected behavior are you seeing?

TypeError: profile.nutrition.id is not a function

What is your best guess as to the source of the problem?

something is wrong with the things i am retrieving from the promise chain

What things have you already tried to solve the problem?

Many things i can't count