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7. Vulnerability Scanning #8

Open WDavid404 opened 8 months ago

WDavid404 commented 8 months ago
WDavid404 commented 8 months ago

Vulnerability Scanning with Nmap

NSE Vulnerability Scripts

As an alternative to Nessus, we can also use the NSE1 to perform automated vulnerability scans.

In this section, we will focus on the vuln category to leverage Nmap as a lightweight vulnerability scanner.

On our Kali VM, the NSE scripts can be found in the /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ directory with the .nse filetype.

kali@kali:~$ cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts/

kali@kali:/usr/share/nmap/scripts$ cat script.db  | grep "\"vuln\""
Entry { filename = "afp-path-vuln.nse", categories = { "exploit", "intrusive", "vuln", } }
Entry { filename = "broadcast-avahi-dos.nse", categories = { "broadcast", "dos", "intrusive", "vuln", } }
Entry { filename = "clamav-exec.nse", categories = { "exploit", "vuln", } }
Entry { filename = "distcc-cve2004-2687.nse", categories = { "exploit", "intrusive", "vuln", } }
Entry { filename = "dns-update.nse", categories = { "intrusive", "vuln", } }

Let's start with an Nmap scan using all of the NSE scripts from the vuln category.

kali@kali:~$ sudo nmap -sV -p 443 --script "vuln"
[sudo] password for kali: 
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org )
443/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.49 ((Unix))
| vulners: 
|   cpe:/a:apache:http_server:2.4.49:
|       CVE-2022-36760  5.1     https://vulners.com/cve/CVE-2022-36760
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.49 (Unix)
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:C7:81:EA (VMware)

Working with NSE Scripts

Let's practice how to do this with CVE-2021-41773

  1. Google to find the CVE number plus NSE (CVE-2021-41773 nse)
  2. One of the first search results is a link to a GitHub2 page that provides a script to check for this vulnerability. Let's download this script and save it as /usr/share/nmap/scripts/http-vuln-cve2021-41773.nse to comply with the naming syntax of the other NSE scripts.
  3. update script.db with --script-updatedb
  4. use the NSE script sudo nmap -sV -p 443 --script "http-vuln-cve2021-41773"
WDavid404 commented 6 months ago

Kali arm PC上安装Nessus

https://www.tenable.com/downloads/nessus?loginAttempted=true 选择 Linux Ubuntu aarch64

Start Nessus Scanner by typing /bin/systemctl start nessusd.service。Then go to https://kali:8834/ to configure your scanner