Open WDavid404 opened 1 year ago
When analysing malware, it is important to consider the following:
Two types: Targeted and Mass Campaign
malware attacks that occur this way are created for a specific purpose against a specific target. Example: DarkHotel : is designed to steal information such as authentication details from government officials.
Companies such as Kaspersky to name one, track these campaigns (known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and often report on their infection rate and indicators.
The ultimate process of a malware attack can be broken down into a few broad steps:
Two categories of fingerprints:
MD5 sum against websites such as Virustotal
PeID ( PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files. It can currently detect more than 600 different signatures in PE files.
IDA Freeware IDA Freeware is a disassembler and debugger software for Windows, Linux, and macOS that allows you to analyze binary files, executable files, and firmware. It is often used by reverse engineers, malware analysts, and security researchers.
Click the Imports tab (second last tab)
Microsoft's Sysinternals "Strings" program to output the retained strings within the specified file.
strings "C:\Users\Analysis\Desktop\Tasks\Task 12\67844C01"
Strings工具只有CUI界面,可以使用“PE Explorer”工具更方便!
After importing the target software, Navigate to "View -> Imports"
Illustrated below is an example of an Android Application containing sensitive credentials within strings:
A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission。 A Linux Toolkit for Malware Analysis. REMnux® is a Linux toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software. REMnux provides a curated collection of free tools created by the community. Analysts can use it to investigate malware without having to find, install, and configure the tools.
peepdf is a Python tool to explore PDF files in order to find out if the file can be harmful or not)
Use REMnux's vmonkey which is a parser engine that is capable of analysing visual basic macros without executing (opening the document).
vmonkey DefinitelyALegitInvoice.doc
file entropy is a rating that scores how random the data within a PE file is. With a scale of 0 to 8. 0 meaning the less “randomness” of the data in the file, where a scoring towards 8 indicates this data is more “random”.
For example, files that are encrypted will have a very high entropy score. Where files that have large chunks of the same data such as “1's” will have a low entropy score.
Malware authors use techniques such as encryption or packing (we’ll come onto this next) to obfuscate their code and to attempt to bypass anti-virus. Because of this, these files will have high entropy. If an analyst had 1,000 files, they could rank the files by their entropy scoring, of course, the files with the higher entropy should be analysed first.
データ・ユニット内の各文字は 1 バイトから成るため、エントロピー値はそのデータ・ユニットの文字の変動および圧縮性を示します。 ファイル内のエントロピー値の変動は、ファイル内に疑わしいコンテンツが隠されていることを示す可能性があります。 例えば、高いエントロピー値は、データが暗号化および圧縮されて格納されていることを示す可能性があります。低いエントロピー値は、実行時にペイロードが暗号化解除され、別のセクションに格納されていることを示す可能性があります。
ファイルに悪質なコンテンツが含まれている可能性があるかどうかの指標として、エントロピー値を使用できます。 例えば、ASCII テキスト・ファイルは一般的に圧縮性が高く、エントロピー値が低いです。 暗号化データは一般的に圧縮性がなく、通常はエントロピー値が高いです。 多くの場合、マルウェアはファイルと画像の両方の中に圧縮され隠されています。
Tool: Volatility (Volatility是一款非常强大的内存取证工具,它是由来自全世界的数百位知名安全专家所合作开发的一套工具, 可以用于windows、linux、mac osx和android等系统内存取证)
volatility -f Win7-Jigsaw.raw imageinfo
⬆️ Profile Win7SP1x64
is the first suggested and just happens to be the correct OS version.
List the processes that were running via pslist
volatility -f Win7-Jigsaw.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 pslist
We think that the process "drpbx.exe" with a PID of 3704 is suspicious。
List the DLL's that "drpbx.exe" references with dlllist
We found “CRYPTBASE.dll"
history of malware