Closed jthmiller closed 3 years ago
Could you please try to run it in python2? I have not tested it in python 3 yet. (for a temporary solution)
python2 -V Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.
python2 ./ -i $bam -d $out/$SAMPLE -r $refs/genome.fa -v hg19 -t 10 --somatic_mode --targeted --target_region $arBed
[04/21/2021 07:38:05 (123.339 MB)] sorting bam file by barcode [04/21/2021 07:38:05 (123.339 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/output_bam_coreinfo / P47/outs/phased_possorted_bam.bam | samtools sort -l 1 -m 1G -@ 10 -t BX -o / - [bam_sort_core] merging from 10 files and 10 in-memory blocks... [04/21/2021 07:41:39 (123.339 MB)] extracting barcode info from bam file [04/21/2021 07:41:39 (123.339 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/extract_barcode_info / 63P16S33P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.sortbx.bam STDOUT / | /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmn p/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/pigz --fast --processes 9 - > / [04/21/2021 07:43:09 (123.339 MB)] extracting low mapq bcd21 [04/21/2021 07:46:56 (123.785 MB)] clustering reads [04/21/2021 07:46:56 (123.785 MB)] /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/cluster_reads / rted_bam.bam.bcd21.gz / / d/LNCaP863P16S33P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.weird_reads.txt 0 -1 20 10 started round 1 clustering finished round 1 clustering time used is 56.00 seconds mean and sd of inner size: 102, 129 quantiles of inner size: 0.1% => -111.0000 1% => -100.0000 5% => -65.0000 10% => -35.0000 25% => 27.0000 50% => 102.0000 75% => 187.0000 90% => 272.0000 95% => 333.0000 99% => 522.0000 99.9% => 1668.0000
quantiles of gap distance: 0.1% => 1.0000 1% => 3.0000 5% => 11.0000 10% => 22.0000 25% => 64.0000 50% => 202.0000 75% => 747.0000 90% => 2415.0000 95% => 5844.0000 99% => 16159.0000 99.9% => 34787.0000
inner size cut-off = 522
gap distance cut-off = 16159
started round 2 clustering
finished round 2 clustering
time used is 67.53 seconds
total number of reads is: 31519602
total number of weird reads is: 680877
[04/21/2021 07:49:03 (123.785 MB)] searching for extremely high coverage region
[04/21/2021 07:50:57 (128.831 MB)] calculating distribution parameters
[04/21/2021 07:50:57 (128.831 MB)] total number of reads in the genome is: 32573971
[04/21/2021 07:50:57 (129.024 MB)] running command: bedtools intersect -u -a / -b / | gzip --fast - > /
[04/21/2021 07:52:30 (129.024 MB)] calculating fragment parameters from file: /
[04/21/2021 07:52:32 (129.032 MB)] N95_fragment_length is: 5232
[04/21/2021 07:52:39 (190.058 MB)] finished getting fragment parameters
[04/21/2021 07:52:39 (189.280 MB)] searching for paired breakpoints
[04/21/2021 07:52:39 (189.280 MB)] searching paired breakpoints
[04/21/2021 07:52:39 (189.280 MB)] building nodes from fragments
[04/21/2021 07:52:39 (189.280 MB)] reading bcd22 file:/
[04/21/2021 07:52:40 (259.056 MB)] total number of fragments: 102765
[04/21/2021 07:52:40 (259.682 MB)] writing to node file
[04/21/2021 07:52:41 (167.055 MB)] removing sparse nodes, min_support_fragments is 10
[04/21/2021 07:52:41 (167.055 MB)] Running CMD: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/remove_sparse_nodes / / 25000 /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 10
[04/21/2021 07:53:24 (167.055 MB)] Running CMD: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/remove_sparse_nodes / / 25000 /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 10
[04/21/2021 07:54:06 (167.055 MB)] Running CMD: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/remove_sparse_nodes / / 25000 /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 10
[04/21/2021 07:54:48 (167.055 MB)] Running CMD: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/remove_sparse_nodes / / 25000 /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 10
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] clustering nodes, max distance for connecting two nodes is: 25000
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] min support fragment pairs is: 10
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading black region bed file
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading node candidate file:/
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in blacklist region: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in node candidate file: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] min support fragment pairs is: 10
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading black region bed file
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading node candidate file:/
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in blacklist region: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in node candidate file: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] min support fragment pairs is: 10
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading black region bed file
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading node candidate file:/
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in blacklist region: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in node candidate file: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] min support fragment pairs is: 10
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading black region bed file
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] reading node candidate file:/
04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in blacklist region: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:31 (167.055 MB)] number of nodes in node candidate file: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:33 (167.055 MB)] number of candidate fragments: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:34 (167.055 MB)] number of candidate fragments: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:36 (167.055 MB)] number of candidate fragments: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:37 (167.055 MB)] number of candidate fragments: 0
[04/21/2021 07:55:37 (167.055 MB)] calculating read depth
[04/21/2021 07:55:37 (167.055 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/cal_read_depth_from_bcd21 / / /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 100 20
[04/21/2021 07:56:49 (167.055 MB)] finished calculating read depth
[04/21/2021 07:56:49 (167.055 MB)] counting overlapping barcodes between twin windows
[04/21/2021 07:56:49 (167.055 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/cal_twin_win_bcd_cnt / / /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai 100 40000 20
processed 1000000 barcodes
[04/21/2021 08:02:30 (167.055 MB)] finished counting overlapping barcodes between twin windows
[04/21/2021 08:02:30 (167.055 MB)] calculating centroid
[04/21/2021 08:02:30 (167.055 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/cal_centroid_from_read_depth / / / /home/dehms/jtmiller/targeted_10x_AR_2.0/references/genome.fa.fai
bin_size = 100
reading read depth file: /
finished reading read depth file: /
processed 10000000 windows
processed 20000000 windows
processed 30000000 windows
[04/21/2021 08:12:24 (167.055 MB)] finished calculating centroid
[04/21/2021 08:12:24 (167.055 MB)] calculating barcode similarity and p-value
[04/21/2021 08:12:24 (167.055 MB)] calculating barcode similarity and p-value
[04/21/2021 08:12:24 (167.055 MB)] reading bcd12 file: /
[04/21/2021 08:13:51 (2.834 GB)] finished reading bcd12 files
[04/21/2021 08:14:16 (2.834 GB)] m1_mean, m1_std_r, m1_std_l: 92.000000, 118.000000, 53.000000
[04/21/2021 08:14:16 (2.834 GB)] m2_mean, m2_std_r, m2_std_l: 92.000000, 118.000000, 53.000000
[04/21/2021 08:14:16 (2.834 GB)] min_m1_value, min_m2_value, max_m1_value, max_m2_value: 31, 31, 276, 276
[04/21/2021 08:14:18 (2.167 GB)] reading bcd12 file: /
[04/21/2021 08:15:47 (2.651 GB)] finished reading bcd12 files
[04/21/2021 08:15:47 (2.651 GB)] number of windows passed filtering: 15021643 (47.88 %)
[04/21/2021 08:16:01 (3.132 GB)] fitting model
[04/21/2021 08:16:06 (3.759 GB)] finished fitting model
[04/21/2021 08:16:06 (3.759 GB)] finished fitting model
[04/21/2021 08:16:45 (4.255 GB)] Y_mean, Y_std_r, Y_std_l: -0.035697, 0.954604, 0.860889
[04/21/2021 08:16:49 (3.771 GB)] calculating expected overlap barcode count
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 313, in
Should I close this issue and open another under python2 with the math domain error? Thanks,
No. I will check it today. Thanks!
Hello, I'd like to follow up on this. We've been able to get linkedSV to run great on our wgs data- but not yet on our targeted seq data. We are aiming to have matched the caller between datasets to compare them. If it would help, I may be able to provide a sample where the error occurs. Or, if the error is resolved, I'll initiate linkedSV again. Thanks,
Yes. Please provide a sample. You can email me the link to download. Thanks!
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 8:17 AM Jeffrey Miller @.***> wrote:
Hello, I'd like to follow up on this. We've been able to get linkedSV to run great on our wgs data- but not yet on our targeted seq data. We are aiming to have matched the caller between datasets to compare them. If it would help, I may be able to provide a sample where the error occurs. Or, if the error is resolved, I'll initiate linkedSV again. Thanks,
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I think the bug is fixed. Please clone the latest version.
Thanks! LinkedSV ran to completion in targeted mode. I'll confirm output soon and follow up if needed. Thanks again.
Hello, I am running into an error in targeted mode that I can't seem to get around:
python3 ./ -i $bam -d $out/$SAMPLE -r $refs/genome.fa -v hg19 -t 10 --somatic_mode --targeted --target_region $arBed
[04/19/2021 16:22:09 (123.757 MB)] sorting bam file by barcode [04/19/2021 16:22:09 (123.757 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/output_bam_coreinfo / results/results_longranger/LUCaP105P47/outs/phased_possorted_bam.bam | samtools sort -l 1 -m 1G -@ 10 -t BX -o / aP105P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.sortbx.bam - [bam_sort_core] merging from 0 files and 10 in-memory blocks... [04/19/2021 16:23:48 (123.818 MB)] extracting barcode info from bam file [04/19/2021 16:23:48 (123.818 MB)] running command: /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/extract_barcode_info / /results/results_linkedSV/LUCaP105P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.sortbx.bam STDOUT / bam.bam.barcode_statistics | /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/pigz --fast --processes 9 - > / ts_linkedSV/LUCaP105P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.bcd21.gz [04/19/2021 16:24:42 (123.818 MB)] extracting low mapq bcd21 [04/19/2021 16:26:01 (124.330 MB)] clustering reads [04/19/2021 16:26:01 (124.330 MB)] /panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/../bin/cluster_reads / V/LUCaP105P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.bcd21.gz / / r/target10x_results/results/results_linkedSV/LUCaP105P47/phased_possorted_bam.bam.weird_reads.txt 0 -1 20 10 started round 1 clustering finished round 1 clustering time used is 34.79 seconds mean and sd of inner size: 131, 156 quantiles of inner size: 0.1% => -111.0000 1% => -73.0000 5% => -11.0000 10% => 18.0000 25% => 66.0000 50% => 131.0000 75% => 227.0000 90% => 345.0000 95% => 426.0000 99% => 592.0000 99.9% => 1846.0000
quantiles of gap distance: 0.1% => 1.0000 1% => 2.0000 5% => 9.0000 10% => 18.0000 25% => 50.0000 50% => 140.0000 75% => 452.0000 90% => 1249.0000 95% => 2196.0000 99% => 7643.0000 99.9% => 24073.0000
inner size cut-off = 592 gap distance cut-off = 7643 started round 2 clustering finished round 2 clustering time used is 37.36 seconds total number of reads is: 18237014 total number of weird reads is: 496409 [04/19/2021 16:27:16 (124.330 MB)] searching for extremely high coverage region [04/19/2021 16:27:48 (126.538 MB)] calculating distribution parameters [04/19/2021 16:27:48 (126.538 MB)] total number of reads in the genome is: 19425963 [04/19/2021 16:27:48 (126.575 MB)] running command: bedtools intersect -u -a / -b / | gzip --fast - > / Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 313, in
File "./", line 47, in main
detect_increased_fragment_ends(args, dbo_args, endpoint_args)
File "./", line 208, in detect_increased_fragment_ends
global_distribution.estimate_global_distribution(args, dbo_args, endpoint_args, endpoint_args.bcd22_file)
File "/panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/", line 128, in estimate_global_distribution
args.num_reads_ontarget = cluster_reads.calculate_num_reads_from_bcd21_file(endpoint_args.bcd21_file_of_target_region, args.min_mapq)
File "/panfs/roc/groups/0/lmnp/jtmiller/programs/LinkedSV/scripts/", line 307, in calculate_num_reads_from_bcd21_file
line = line.strip().split(tab)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
Thanks for your work!