Closed dangmanhtruong1995 closed 3 weeks ago
I encountered the same problem, and I found that the reason is that spconv_feature_extract on dpt data preprocessed from custom data is all zero matrix, which is different from the demo data. This indicates that zoe depth estimation of custom point cloud data failed.
Upon further debugging, I found that the issue occurred during the projection of the point cloud to the 2D depth map, resulting in a depth map with all-zero values. The root cause of this issue was identified by examining the relationship between my point cloud model and the camera's view frustum. It was observed that, using the default camera extrinsics, the camera's view frustum deviates significantly from the point cloud model, as shown in the figure. Therefore, I believe that adjusting the camera's input extrinsics to ensure that the point cloud model remains within the camera's view frustum will resolve the issue.
This issue might come from the projection process in FreeReg. The defination of virtual camera might be somewhat different as in FreeReg in some cases. I have open-sourced a easy-to-use version of FreeReg Here requiring no pc projection. Welcome to use it!
Hi. I have been able to run the demo, however when I run on my own images and point cloud, then it could not run:
How can I make it work ? Thank you very much.