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Accessibility Object Model
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Agenda for F2F #13

Open minorninth opened 8 years ago

minorninth commented 8 years ago

Web A11y API F2F

May 11 - 12, 2016 Google San Francisco 345 Spear St, San Francisco, CA 94105


Reach enough consensus to "go public" as either a working group or incubator group.

Day 1: Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

9:00 Meet at 345 Spear St, SF, 4th floor lobby, get badges, walk to meeting room. Continental breakfast and coffee will be in the meeting room.

9:30 Introductions

IRC channel: #web-a11y-api on irc.freenode.net Can use webchat.freenode.net to connect.

9:45 Demo of web accessibility API in Chrome

10:15 Brainstorming

11:30 Breakouts

12:30 Lunch @ Google

2:00 Breakouts

3:30 Summary of breakouts

4:30 Break / free time

6:00 Optional social dinner out (location TBD)

Day 2: Thursday May 12th, 2016

9:30-10:15: Basic and aspirational use cases

10:15-11:00 Breakouts

11:00-11:20: Break

11:20-12:30: Review API

12:30: Lunch @ Google

2:00: Next steps

3:30 Adjourn

minorninth commented 8 years ago

For brainstorming:

minorninth commented 8 years ago

For final vote: Incubator group Y/N

minorninth commented 8 years ago

Meeting notes / minutes?

minorninth commented 8 years ago

Can we fix :before, :after generated content

minorninth commented 8 years ago

Talk about things like