WRF-CMake / wrf

🌀 The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with CMake support
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Update INSTALL.md #37

Closed andreas-h closed 5 years ago

andreas-h commented 5 years ago

fix typo: as the repo is called wrf (lower-case) the directory created by git clone is also wrf (lower-case)

Use this template to give a detailed message describing the change you want to make to the code. If you are unclear on what should be written here, see https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/wiki/Making-a-good-pull-request-message for more guidance

The title of this pull request should be a brief "purpose" for this change.

--- Delete this line and those above before hitting "Create pull request" ---

TYPE: choose one of [bug fix, enhancement, new feature, feature removed, no impact, text only]

KEYWORDS: approximately 3 to 6 words (more is always better) related to your commit, separated by commas

SOURCE: Either "developer's name (affiliation)" .XOR. "internal" for a WRF Dev committee member

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: One or more paragraphs describing problem, solution, and required changes.

ISSUE: For use when this PR closes an issue. For issue number 123

Fixes #123

LIST OF MODIFIED FILES: list of changed files (use git diff --name-status master to get formatted list)

TESTS CONDUCTED: Explicitly state if a WTF and or other tests were run, or are pending. For more complicated changes please be explicit!

RELEASE NOTE: Optional, as appropriate. Delete if not used. Included only once for new features requiring several merge cycles. Changes to default behavior are also note worthy.