WWlnZSBMaXU / Triggerless

This repository contains the code for the paper "Is the Trigger Essential? A Feature-Based Triggerless Backdoor Attack in Vertical Federated Learning".
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This repository contains the code for the paper "Is the Trigger Essential? A Feature-Based Triggerless Backdoor Attack in Vertical Federated Learning".



Or you can use requirements.txt and the following command to create the environment:

conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

How to use?

usage: main.py [-h] [--dataset {mnist,fashionmnist,cifar10,cifar100,criteo,cinic10}] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr_passive LR_PASSIVE] [--lr_active LR_ACTIVE] [--lr_attack LR_ATTACK]
               [--attack_epoch ATTACK_EPOCH] [--attack_id [ATTACK_ID [ATTACK_ID ...]]] [--num_passive NUM_PASSIVE] [--division {vertical,random,imbalanced}] [--round ROUND] [--target_label TARGET_LABEL]
               [--source_label SOURCE_LABEL] [--trigger {our,villain,badvfl,basl}] [--add_noise] [--update_centers] [--defense {none,dp,compression,detection,clip}] [--detection_rate DETECTION_RATE]
               [--compression_rate COMPRESSION_RATE] [--dp_epsilon DP_EPSILON] [--clip_rate CLIP_RATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset {mnist,fashionmnist,cifar10,cifar100,criteo,cinic10}
                        the datasets for evaluation;
  --epochs EPOCHS       the number of epochs;
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size;
  --lr_passive LR_PASSIVE
                        learning rate for the passive parties;
  --lr_active LR_ACTIVE
                        learning rate for the active party;
  --lr_attack LR_ATTACK
                        learning rate for the attacker;
  --attack_epoch ATTACK_EPOCH
                        set epoch for attacking, greater than or equal to 2;
  --attack_id [ATTACK_ID [ATTACK_ID ...]]
                        the ID list of the attacker, like ``--attack_id 0 1'' for [0,1];
  --num_passive NUM_PASSIVE
                        number of passive parties;
  --division {vertical,random,imbalanced}
                        choose the data division mode;
  --round ROUND         round for log;
  --target_label TARGET_LABEL
                        target label, which aim to change to;
  --source_label SOURCE_LABEL
                        source label, which aim to change;
  --trigger {our,villain,badvfl,basl}
                        set trigger type;
  --add_noise           add noise to embeddings for perturbation;
  --update_centers      update cluster center;
  --defense {none,dp,compression,detection,clip}
                        choose the defense strategy;
  --detection_rate DETECTION_RATE
                        ``--detection_rate 0.8'' means that there is a 80 percent probability of detecting the trigger;
  --compression_rate COMPRESSION_RATE
                        compression rate for the gradient compression defense;
  --dp_epsilon DP_EPSILON
                        privacy budget for the differential privacy defense;
  --clip_rate CLIP_RATE
                        clip rate for the gradient clipping defense;

Backdoor attack with trigger VILLAIN

The trigger is from the paper:

Yijie Bai, Yanjiao Chen et al. "{VILLAIN}: Backdoor Attacks Against Vertical Split Learning." 32nd USENIX Security Symposium. 2743-2760, 2023.

Some examples:

python main.py --trigger villain --dataset cifar10 --epochs 50 --attack_epoch 40 
python main.py --add_noise --dataset fashionmnist --num_passive 4
python main.py --trigger villain --defense clip --clip_rate 0.8

Backdoor attack with trigger BadVFL

The trigger is from the paper:

Mohammad Naseri, Yufei Han, and Emiliano De Cristofaro. "BadVFL: Backdoor Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08847. 2023.

Some examples:

python main.py --trigger badvfl --dataset cinic10 --epochs 50 --attack_epoch 40 --num_passive 4
python main.py --trigger badvfl --defense compression --compression_rate 0.8
python main.py --trigger badvfl

Backdoor attack with trigger BASL

The trigger is from the paper:

Ying He, Zhili Shen et al. "Backdoor Attack Against Split Neural Network-Based Vertical Federated Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 19: 748-763, 2024.

Some examples:

python main.py --trigger basl --dataset criteo --division vertical
python main.py --trigger basl --defense dp --dp_epsilon 0.0001
python main.py --trigger basl --num_passive 4

Our triggerless backdoor attack

Some examples:

python main.py --add_noise --dataset cinic10 --epochs 50
python main.py --num_passive 3 --dataset criteo --division vertical
python main.py --add_noise --defense detection --detection_rate 0.8

Organization of code files

├── attackers
│   ├── badvfl.py
│   ├── basl.py
│   ├── our.py
│   ├── vflbase.py
│   └── villain.py
├── data  # auto-created: data for the backdoor attack will be auto sotred here
├── dataset  # auto-created: dataset will be auto downloaded here
├── log  # auto-created: training, testing and attacking record will be stored here
├── main.py
├── README.md
└── utils
    ├── datasets.py
    ├── metrics.py
    └── models.py

5 directories, 10 files


The main file and program entry. Use it to load dataset, model, attacker, and to implement the baseline backdoor attacks and our proposed triggerless attack.


The base VFL model, where all attacker classes are inherited from this class. In this file, the following generic functions are included:


Different backdoor attack methods with distinct triggers.
