WanKerr / Sonic4Episode1

A fresh decompile and split of Sonic 4: Episode 1 for Windows Phone 7
The Unlicense
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Lacking instructions for running the game #6

Open Twanvanb1 opened 2 years ago

Twanvanb1 commented 2 years ago

Lacking instructions for running the game.

Techokami commented 4 months ago

A less vague version: What is exactly needed to get this running on my own system? I don't seem to see any of the actual game assets in here, so what files from the original WP7 release do I need and where do I put them? Also, when cloning the repository, one of the submodules requires authentication for some reason, so perhaps instructions for properly making a local clone of the repository are needed as well.

WamWooWam commented 3 months ago

So, that's a little bit complicated right now because there's a number of things I can't redistribute here, extracting the S4E1 XAP gets you most of the way but the music requires a bit more work.

Music must be extracted from the SONICDL_SNG01.CPK in the PC version of the game, at some point I'd love to make the game able to actually read this directly but as of right now it needs extracting, then running through the MonoGame content builder tool to create the required XNB/OGG files.

I'll take a look into including more of the files needed to actually build the content packs when I can, it's all a bit up in the air right now because another part of the plan is to allow loading the HD assets from the iPad version of the game, which requires converting texture formats (PVR -> DDS or similar) for the sake of performance. In the meantime, it shouldn't be impossible to extract the needed assets from the web version with some know-how

anas-halid commented 2 months ago

So, that's a little bit complicated right now because there's a number of things I can't redistribute here, extracting the S4E1 XAP gets you most of the way but the music requires a bit more work.

Music must be extracted from the SONICDL_SNG01.CPK in the PC version of the game, at some point I'd love to make the game able to actually read this directly but as of right now it needs extracting, then running through the MonoGame content builder tool to create the required XNB/OGG files.

I'll take a look into including more of the files needed to actually build the content packs when I can, it's all a bit up in the air right now because another part of the plan is to allow loading the HD assets from the iPad version of the game, which requires converting texture formats (PVR -> DDS or similar) for the sake of performance. In the meantime, it shouldn't be impossible to extract the needed assets from the web version with some know-how

Oh Please please do, or you could also add instructions on how to extract the necessary files from the windows mobile build or the web version. This is going to be sweet.