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Open Wangmengguo opened 6 days ago

Wangmengguo commented 6 days ago

"You must believe."

21 世纪是「信仰缺失」的时代。曾经相信的东西逐步土崩瓦解:「和平」不再,地区性的摩擦演变成热战,俄乌战争、巴以战争纷至沓来;全球化进程逐步停滞,甚至「反全球化思潮」也逐步抬头,其中最危险的是产业链「信任」逐渐减退,由于「战争」威胁,部分「呼叫机」已经具备了「点对点」打击的功能,很可能彻底颠覆「全球产业链」合作的格局;2024 年正值选举年,美国内部意识形态冲突明显,美联储罕见降息 50 个点,全球经济波动明显,中国经济发展增速再次下滑,年轻人就业压力大,消费降级,降薪裁员,引致螺旋式塌方。





Wangmengguo commented 6 days ago

Claude 3.5 Sonent

"You must believe."

The 21st century lacks faith. Old beliefs crumble. Peace ends. Regional conflicts become wars. Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine conflicts emerge.

Globalization stalls. Anti-globalization rises. Supply chain trust wanes. Some "pagers" now have precise strike capabilities, potentially upending global cooperation.

2024 is an election year. U.S. ideological conflicts intensify. The Fed cut rates by 50 points, rare. Global economy fluctuates. China's growth slows again. Youth face job pressure. Spending decreases. Pay cuts and layoffs spiral downward.

Understand: peace and rapid growth are gifts. Chaos, war, and regression are historical norms.

Individuals can do little. Global issues are universal. Only "faith" helps survival in chaotic times.

Do the "right thing". Do what's right long-term. Stop immediately if wrong. Believe firmly: doing right brings good results long-term. Wrong actions may have short-term gains but long-term punishment.

Believe in the power of belief.

Wangmengguo commented 6 days ago

ChatGPT 4o

Here's your translation, Dearing:

"You must believe."

The 21st century is an era of "faithlessness." The things we once believed in are gradually crumbling: "peace" is gone, with regional conflicts turning into hot wars—the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Palestine war. Globalization is stagnating, and even "anti-globalization" sentiments are on the rise. The most dangerous part is the declining "trust" in supply chains. Due to the threat of "war," some "missiles" now have "point-to-point" strike capabilities, which could completely overturn the global supply chain cooperation framework. In 2024, as the U.S. election approaches, internal ideological conflicts are obvious. The Federal Reserve's rare 50-point rate cut has caused global economic fluctuations. China's economic growth has slowed again, with young people facing immense employment pressure, downgraded consumption, salary cuts, and layoffs, leading to a spiral of collapse.

Thus, one must clearly understand that the golden era of peace, stability, and rapid development is a "generous gift of the times." Chaos, war, stagnation, and even regression are the "historical norm."

As individuals, there is little we can do. The problems of globalization are universal. Only "faith" can help us "survive" in chaotic times.

Do the "right thing," do the "right thing for the long term." Once you realize you’ve made a mistake, stop immediately. You must steadfastly believe that doing the right thing in the long term will yield good results. Doing the wrong thing may bring short-term "gains," but in the long run, there will be "consequences."

Believe in the power of belief.