WaqasSultani / AnomalyDetectionCVPR2018

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Some questions regarding the loss function and other aspects in the article #40

Open mourad1081 opened 5 years ago

mourad1081 commented 5 years ago

I have never seen a loss function which compare positive examples and negative examples. All the loss function I have seen so far (i'm still a student) compare the true value of y with an estimated value of y.

I am a bit confused, thus I have some questions :

(I will re-read the paper again and delete some questions if I find an anwser.)

AmmarKamoona commented 5 years ago

"I have never seen a loss function which compares positive examples and negative examples" Hi mourad1081, what do you mean by comparing positive examples with negative examples? Do you mean like comparing Positive C3D features with negative C3D features examples?