Closed PhysicsDan closed 1 year ago
Hey Dan,
There is definitely a numbering issue. Unfortunately that welcome screen line isn't written by the source-code, and is set by variables buried in the Makefile and tied to Git. So far I haven't been able to figure out what it's reading or how to change it.
There have been some small bug fixes since the EPOCH 4.19 release, so I would advise you to stick with the git clone
In the meantime, I'll continue backtracing this error whenever I'm between tasks.
Cheers, Stuart
Thanks to assistance from Tom Goffrey, I've solved the problem. If performing a new git clone, the code will now correctly display the v4.19.1 (which contains a few bug fixes since the release of v4.19.0). EPOCH did not recognise my previous unsigned version tag.
In future, we can add a tag to the main branch after a commit by performing a signed tag locally using
git tag -s 'v4.19.XX'
And pushing it to the main branch using
git push --tags
Signed tags must be performed using the GPG service.
Hi I downloaded the most recent EPOCH version 4.19 (using both
git clone
and from the Releases section) however when I run the code it displays:as well as the release .zip wile when unzipped shows epoch-4.18
I checked the which shows,
so I believe I actually have version 4.19