begin:fields #
ex = 0
ey = 0
ez = 0
bx = 0
by = 0
bz = 0
number of timesteps between output dumps
dt_snapshot = 1*dt
Number of dt_snapshot between full dumps
full_dump_every = 100
force_final_to_be_restartable = T
restart_dump_every = 100
Properties at particle positions
particles = full
particle_weight = full
vx= always
vy= always
Properties on grid
grid = always
ex = always
ey = always
ez = always
bx = always
by = always
bz = always
ekbar = always
charge_density = full
number_density = always + species
temperature = always + species
Extended IO
distribution_functions = always
In the results of Ex, there are strong signals at the four corners. I am not sure if this result indicates that the model is not accurate in input deck?
The simulated model and input file are as follows
begin:constant background_number_density = 1e14 n0 = 1e14 B = 0 background_temperature = 2e6 temp = 2e6 pece = 0 alpha = 5.0e-2 frac_beam = 0.01 vb = 0.25c drift_px = mevb lamdade = 69sqrt(temp/n0) omegape = 56.41sqrt(n0) de = c/omegape
ion_mass_e = 1836.0 mass_ion = me ion_mass_e pt_electron = sqrt(2 me kb background_temperature) grid_spacing = 2lamdade nxgrid = 2000 nygrid = 500 beam_thick = 0.05nygridgrid_spacing #1/2width of beam plasma_thick = 0.3nygrid*grid_spacing #1/2width of plasma dt = 1/omegape ppc = 500 end:constant
begin:control nx = nxgrid # in x ny = nygrid # in y
Final time of simulation
t_end = 350*dt
Size of domain
x_min = 0.0 x_max = nx grid_spacing y_min = -0.5nygrid_spacing y_max = 0.5ny*grid_spacing end:control
begin:boundaries cpml_thickness = 60 cpml_kappa_max = 20 cpml_a_max = 0.2 cpml_sigma_max = 0.7 bc_x_min = cpml_outflow bc_x_max = cpml_outflow bc_y_min = cpml_outflow bc_y_max = cpml_outflow end:boundaries
begin:species name = proton charge = 1.0 mass = ion_mass_e number_density = if(abs(y) lt plasma_thick, n0, 0.0) temperature = 0.1*temp bc_x_min = simple_outflow bc_x_max = simple_outflow npart_per_cell = ppc end:species
begin:species name = electron charge = -1.0 mass = 1.0 temperature = temp number_density = if(abs(y) lt plasma_thick, background_number_density * (1.0 - frac_beam), 0.0)
drift_px = 0.0 - frac_beam * drift_px/(1-frac_beam)
bc_x_min = simple_outflow bc_x_max = simple_outflow npart_per_cell = ppc end:species
begin:species name = electron_beam charge = -1.0 mass = 1.0 number_density = if(abs(y) lt plasma_thick, background_number_density * frac_beam, 0.0) npart_per_cell = ppc bc_x_min = open bc_x_max = simple_outflow end:species
begin:injector boundary = x_min t_end = t_end species = electron_beam number_density = if(abs(y) lt beam_thick, n0 * frac_beam, 0.0) temperature = temp drift_px = drift_px nparticles_per_cell = ppc end:injector
begin:fields # ex = 0 ey = 0 ez = 0 bx = 0 by = 0 bz = 0 end:fields
number of timesteps between output dumps
dt_snapshot = 1*dt
Number of dt_snapshot between full dumps
full_dump_every = 100
force_final_to_be_restartable = T
restart_dump_every = 100
Properties at particle positions
particles = full
particle_weight = full
vx= always
vy= always
Properties on grid
grid = always
ex = always ey = always ez = always bx = always by = always bz = always
ekbar = always
charge_density = full
temperature = always + species
Extended IO
distribution_functions = always
In the results of Ex, there are strong signals at the four corners. I am not sure if this result indicates that the model is not accurate in input deck?