Warwick-Plasma / epoch

Particle-in-cell code for plasma physics simulations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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freeze particles #508

Closed HLQzZ closed 1 year ago

HLQzZ commented 1 year ago

Dear developer! I want to make the plasma move normally while freezing the electron beam, but it seems that the particle_tstart can only freeze all particles at the same time, is there any solution? Thanks! HLQ

Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago


At present, there is no feature which would allow you to do this. However, you could achieve the same effect by inserting a line into the source-code.

Let's say you're running epoch2d. If you navigate to epoch2d/src/particles.F90, you'll find a subroutine called push_particles, and in this subroutine, you'll find the line:

      IF (species_list(ispecies)%immobile) CYCLE

This line is responsible for skipping the particle push for any species which has the immobile = T flag set in the epoch input deck. If you have a species named "electron_beam", and you only want it to move at 100 fs, then you could add a new line just below this:

      IF (species_list(ispecies)%immobile) CYCLE
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'electron_beam' .AND. time < 100.0e-15_num) CYCLE

Hence, when the code goes to move particles in the electron_beam species, and the simulation time is before 100e-15 seconds, the particle push would be skipped for that species as if it were an immobile species.

Hope this helps! If this doesn't work, let me know, Stuart

HLQzZ commented 1 year ago

Dear developer: This method works well in epoch, meeting my requirements. However, under the same compilation and conditions in epoch, it appears to have no effect. HLQ

Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago


I'm not sure what you mean here, these statements seem contradictory.

Cheers, Stuart

HLQzZ commented 1 year ago

Sorry! I mean this method works well in epoch2d, meeting my requirements. However, under the same compilation and conditions in epoch3d, it appears to have no effect.

Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago

Ahh I see. EPOCH has a separate set of source codes for epoch1d, epoch2d and epoch3d. To change the 3D version, you should make the same edit to epoch3d/src/particles.F90.

Hope this helps, Stuart

HLQzZ commented 1 year ago

I changed the files in the 3D directory and recompiled, but it doesn't seem to work.

Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago

Could you send me your 3D input deck, and copy/paste the new line you added to epoch3d/src/particles.F90 here? It would also be useful if you could tell me the line-number for your new line.

Cheers, Stuart

HLQzZ commented 1 year ago
      IF (species_list(ispecies)%immobile) CYCLE
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron1' .AND. time < 400.0e-15_num) CYCLE
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron2' .AND. time < 400.0e-15_num) CYCLE
      IF (species_list(ispecies)%species_type == c_species_id_photon) THEN
  las_lambda       = 0.8 * micron
  las_omega        = 2.0 * pi * c / las_lambda
  laser_period     = las_lambda/c
  x_m              = 2*micron
  laser_k          = 2*pi/las_lambda 

  w0               = 2.37* micron   # spot size 2.5 *micron
  rayleigh_length  = pi*w0^2/las_lambda
  wz               = w0*sqrt(1+(x_m/rayleigh_length)^2)
  radius_curv      = x_m*(1.0+(rayleigh_length/x_m)^2)

  a0               = 40.0    
  Intensity        = (1.37*10^18)*a0^2/((las_lambda^2)*10^12)   #8.56e20[W/cm^2]
  n_crit           = 1.1*10^27/((las_lambda^2)*10^12)

  las_t_fwhm       = 8 * laser_period    # 12 periods

  r = sqrt(y^2 + z^2)
  E = 100 * mev  # 350MeV
  p = E/c   # E^2>>me^2*c^4
  p0 = E0/c
  pd = Ed/c


  nx = 4000
  ny = 240
  nz = 240

  # final time of simulation
  t_end            = 0.5 * pico

  # size of domain
  y_min            = -12 * micron
  y_max            =  12 * micron

  z_min            = -12 * micron
  z_max            =  12 * micron

  x_min            =  0.0 * micron
  x_max            =  200.0 * micron

  stdout_frequency =10


  bc_x_min_field     = simple_laser
  bc_x_max_field     = simple_laser
  bc_y_min_field     = simple_laser
  bc_y_max_field     = simple_outflow
  bc_z_min_field     = simple_laser
  bc_z_max_field     = simple_outflow
  bc_x_min_particle  = open
  bc_x_max_particle  = open
  bc_y_min_particle  = open
  bc_y_max_particle  = open
  bc_z_min_particle  = open
  bc_z_max_particle  = open

  name = electron
  charge = -1.0
  mass = 1.0
  npart_per_cell = 20
  tracer = F
  density = if((abs(r) lt 30 * micron) and (x gt 2.0 * micron) and (x lt 198.0 * micron), 0.099 * n_crit, 0.0 ) 
  temp_ev = 10

  name = positron1
  charge = 1.0
  mass = 1.0
  npart_per_cell =9
  tracer = F
  dist_fn= exp (-((px - p0)/pd)^2)
  dist_fn_px_range = (0,p)
  density = if((abs(r) lt 1.0 * micron) and (x gt 95 * micron) and (x lt 105 * micron),  1e10, 0.0) 
  temp_ev = 10


  name = positron2
  charge = 1.0
  mass = 1.0
  npart_per_cell =9 
  tracer = F
  dist_fn=exp (-((-px - p0)/pd)^2)
  dist_fn_px_range = (-p,0)
  density = if((abs(r) lt 1.0 * micron) and (x gt 95 * micron) and (x lt 105 * micron),  1e10, 0.0) 
  temp_ev = 10


  name = C
  charge = 6.0
  mass = 1836.0*12 
  npart_per_cell =9
  tracer = F
  density = if((abs(r) lt 30.0 * micron) and (x gt 2.0 * micron) and (x lt 198.0 * micron),  0.0165 * n_crit , 0.0) 
  temp_ev = 10
#  identify:proton

  name             = Photon  
  charge           = 0.0
  npart            = 0 
  mass             = 0.0
  dumpmask         = always

  use_collisions   =    F
  coulomb_log      = auto
  collide          = all

   use_qed                = T 
   qed_start_time         = 10.0 * femto       #0.1 * pico
   produce_photons        = T
   use_radiation_reaction = T
   photon_energy_min      = 10.0 * kev
   produce_pairs          = F 
   photon_dynamics        = T  

   boundary          = x_min
   intensity_w_cm2   = Intensity * w0/wz
   lambda            = las_lambda
   pol_angle         = 0.5*pi    #0.5*pi
   phase             = 0.0
   t_profile         = sin(0.5*pi*time/las_t_fwhm) * sin(0.5*pi*time/las_t_fwhm)
   t_start           = 0.0
   t_end             = 2*las_t_fwhm
   profile           = gauss(r,0.0, w0)

   boundary          = x_max
   intensity_w_cm2   = Intensity * w0/wz 
   lambda            = las_lambda
   pol_angle         = 0.5*pi     #0.5*pi
   phase             = 0.0
   t_profile         = sin(0.5*pi*time/las_t_fwhm) * sin(0.5*pi*time/las_t_fwhm)
   t_start           = 0.0
   t_end             = 2*las_t_fwhm
   profile           = gauss(r,0.0, w0)

   move_window = F
   window_v_x = c  
   window_start_time =  (x_max - x_min) / c 
   bc_x_min_after_move = simple_outflow  
   bc_x_max_after_move = simple_outflow

   name             = selected
   random_fraction  = 1.0
   include_species  = Photon

   name             = selected1
   random_fraction  = 1.0
   include_species  = electron
   gamma_min        = 21.0

  name             = selected2
  random_fraction  = 1.0
  include_species  = positron1

  name             = selected3
  random_fraction  = 1.0
  include_species  = positron2

  # number of timesteps between output dumps
   dt_snapshot         = 10.0 * femto
   dt_average          = 1.0*laser_period

  # Properties at particle positions
    particles          =  selected2+ selected3
    vx                 =  never
    vy                 =  never
    vz                 =  never
    gamma              =  never #+ selected2+ selected3 
    ek                 =  never
    px                 =   selected2+ selected3
    py                 =   selected2+ selected3
    pz                 =   selected2+ selected3
    charge             =  never
    mass               =  never
    particle_weight    =  never
    id                 =  never 

  # Properties on grid
    grid               = always
    ex                 = never
    ey                 = always
    ez                 = always
    bx                 = never
    by                 = always
    bz                 = always
    jx                 = never
    jy                 = never
    jz                 = never
    ekbar              = never + species + no_sum
    charge_density     = never
    number_density     = always + species + no_sum
    temperature        = never + species
    total_energy_sum   = never
    distribution_functions = never
Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago

So are you finding that particles in the positron1 and positron2 species are moving before 400 fs?

I'm not sure what could be going wrong here. Maybe the TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron1' test is failing? If you added a new line:

      IF (species_list(ispecies)%immobile) CYCLE
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron1' .AND. time < 400.0e-15_num) PRINT*, 'Positron1 frozen'
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron1' .AND. time < 400.0e-15_num) CYCLE
      IF (TRIM(species_list(ispecies)%name) == 'positron2' .AND. time < 400.0e-15_num) CYCLE

that would test whether the CYCLE was being triggered. I'm wondering if maybe some whitespace around species_list(ispecies)%name could make the name check fail.

Status-Mirror commented 1 year ago

I'm going to mark this issue as closed for now, as I believe the code I sent should perform as expected. Feel free to continue the thread if you have any further comments!

Cheers, Stuart