This is a new map that runs off the same premise as Royal rumble II & The Big Dig where you have to run the flags to the goals on the other end of the maps. Also an OCC port!
I've noticed you've categorised them as arcade for various reasons and I presume this will fall under that too!
(You may also need to update any other older flag runner maps with the new xml's from the OCC repo since the game name changed)
Map Name
Kalahari Sanctuary
Map Description & Gamemode
Gamemode: flag assault (formerly flag runners)
This is a new map that runs off the same premise as Royal rumble II & The Big Dig where you have to run the flags to the goals on the other end of the maps. Also an OCC port!
I've noticed you've categorised them as arcade for various reasons and I presume this will fall under that too!
(You may also need to update any other older flag runner maps with the new xml's from the OCC repo since the game name changed)
Map Download