Web3-Conf-India / Proposal-2022

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How Blockchain can transform India and other developing countries. #28

Open 69yusufs opened 2 years ago

69yusufs commented 2 years ago

Target Audience? Everyone ( Social Implications and uses of Blockchain tech)

Time? 30 min talk

Alone or With A Team? 2 people presenting. Speaking about on ground realities, and how these issues can be changed by utilizing blockchain technology.

This talk will be given by Narasimha and Maan.

Narasimha is a web3 researcher/dev from India and Maan is a web3 Game Dev from Yemen. They will come together to talk about the issues plaguing their countries and how blockchain and web3 has the potential to solve these problems and change their country's systems, governments and exploring current use cases of blockchain and future ideas/use cases around building . Topics such as resource distribution, voting, verification, and governance through blockchain will be explored. Furthermore : blockchain as a philosophy will be explored.

adiig7 commented 2 years ago


Can you please add the description too?