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What is today's guidance for naming packages? #355

Open dfoxfranke opened 1 month ago

dfoxfranke commented 1 month ago

If I'm creating a WIT package today, how should I go about choosing a name for it such that it won't conflict with somebody else's name in the future? Is there a warg instance running somewhere that has a namespace allocated to it and whose database won't be purged in the future?

Currently, I'm following the lead of the wasi crate and using a package name of rust:<pkg> where <pkg> is the name of a crate I control on crates.io.

calvinrp commented 1 month ago

Might be worth checking wa.dev for the Warg namespaces in use and reserving what you would like to use.

User accounts can have any number of namespaces to publish packages.

dfoxfranke commented 1 month ago

Okay, so now that I've checked that out, I'm very confused. I was expecting that a site like wa.dev would have a single namespace and would allocate package names first-come-first-served within that namespace, similar to how crates.io operates. Instead, I created an account there and it handed me a dfoxfranke namespace based on my GitHub login.

Since the namespace is just dfoxfranke and not dfoxfranke.wa.dev or something, does this imply that wa.dev's allocations are intended to be canonical across the whole WASM ecosystem? Does it imply that if you rely on any packages registered with wa.dev, you should rely only on packages registered there? How does this allocation scheme interact with that fact that, e.g., there's a github user named wasi who doesn't have anything to do with WASI?

calvinrp commented 1 month ago

@dfoxfranke and I are moving this discussion off this thread since it is particular to wa.dev service

oovm commented 1 month ago

Where should I discuss everything about wa.dev?

Should I open topic on https://github.com/bytecodealliance/registry/discussions?

I accidentally created a namespace that I don't need, but I don't know how to delete or rename it.

calvinrp commented 1 month ago

Where should I discuss everything about wa.dev?

Should I open topic on https://github.com/bytecodealliance/registry/discussions?

I accidentally created a namespace that I don't need, but I don't know how to delete or rename it.

@oovm Best on the Discord link at the bottom of wa.dev. Deleting or renaming is not quite available in UI. Happy to address manually. Feel free to message me directly.