WebAssembly / wasi-i2c

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Look at Zephyr I2C API #6

Open Zelzahn opened 4 months ago

Zelzahn commented 4 months ago

Currently, the specification closely follows the one from embedded_hal. There are some differences with the Zephyr API documentation that I think a closer look is warranted. See i2c_transfer_signal and i2c_recover_bus.

sunfishcode commented 4 months ago

i2c_transfer_signal appears to be an async version of i2c_transfer, which is similar to wasi-i2c's tranasction function. I filed https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-i2c/issues/8 to collect some thoughts about async.

I'm not familiar enough with this space to know how i2c_recover_bus would be used. So my question is, how does the embedded-hal ecosystem handle this, since they don't appear to have a "recover bus" operation in their API either.