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Add tag to identify exported json #57

Open santolucito opened 5 months ago

santolucito commented 5 months ago

Im proposing adding a line here:


that will add a "tag" to the exported json that will help identify if the json file came from wavir. Cloudformation has something like:

"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", 

in its json files. Maybe we also have something along the lines of:

"WAVIRTemplateFormatVersion": "2024-04-29",

Thoughts on this @ruan-xian or @happychristiann (I know you were working on code gen) Maybe do we want a similar style code comment at the top of the exported .js?

happychristiann commented 5 months ago

Is there a global version variable (ex 1.1) or should I just put the date

happychristiann commented 5 months ago

58 @santolucito @ruan-xian

santolucito commented 3 months ago

Need to split this line:


and add a tag value before we stringify. something like {tag: "wavir-ver-06-13-2024"}