WebRTSP / ReStreamer

Media URLs ReStreamer and Cloud DVR
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Media URLs ReStreamer

Intended to help play RTSP streams from IP Cams (and some other URL types) in browsers.

Online demo: http://ipcam.stream:5080

How to install it as Snap package and try

How to edit config file

  1. sudoedit /var/snap/rtsp-to-webrtsp/common/restreamer.conf;
  2. To load updated config it's required to restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;

How to configure your own source

  1. In config replace streamers section with something like
    streamers: (
    name: "Your source name"
    url: "rtsp://your.ip.cam.address:port/path"
  2. Restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;

How to access it behind router/NAT with port forwarding

  1. In config file in webrtc section uncomment stun-server (and maybe replace value with your preferable STUN server), min-rtp-port and rtp-ports-count (and provide some reasonable values)
    webrtc: {
    stun-server: "stun://stun.l.google.com:19302"
    min-rtp-port: 6000
    rtp-ports-count: 100
  2. [optional] prevent Coturn from starting (it's useless in that case) by use-coturn: false in agents section
    agents: {
    use-coturn: false
  3. Configure port forwarding on your router for following ports:
    • TCP 5080
    • TCP 5554
    • UDP 6000-6100 (or what you've specified in webrtc section)
  4. Restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;
  5. Open in your browser http://your.router.ip.address:5080/

How to use it to access IP Cam not accessible directly (and without any port forwarding)

  1. Install it on some VPS/VDS/Dedicated with public IP;
  2. [optional][recommended] Configure TLS and users in users section of config file;
  3. In config file replace (or add to) streamers section proxy streamer for Remote Agent
    streamers: (
    name: "Proxy for Remote Agent"
    type: "proxy"
    agent-token: "some random and pretty long string"
  4. Restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;
  5. Install app Snap package on some device on network where IP Cam is accessible directly and configure it as Remote Agent ;
  6. Open in your browser https://your.server.address:5443/ if you have TLS enabled and http://your.server.address:5080/ if not;

How to configure it as Remote Agent

  1. Install it on some device (you can use something like Raspberry Pi);
  2. Add signalling-server section with the same properties you've defined on the server
    signalling-server: {
    host: "your.server.address"
    tls: true // or `false` if you didn't configure TLS on server
    uri: "Proxy for Remote Agent"
    token: "some random and pretty long string"
  3. Configure streamer for IP Cam you want access to ;
  4. Restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;

How to use it as Cloud DVR for IP Cam not accessible directly

  1. In config file replace streamers section with something like
    streamers: (
    restream: false
    name: "DVR"
    type: "record"
    record-token: "some-random-string"
    recordings-dir: "recordings" // path relative to %SNAP_COMMON% (/var/snap/rtsp-to-webrtsp/common/) where recordings will be placed
    recordings-dir-max-size: 1024
    recording-chunk-size: 10
  2. Restart Snap: sudo snap restart rtsp-to-webrtsp;
  3. Install webrtsp-record-streamer Snap package on some device on network where IP Cam is accessible directly;
  4. Configure webrtsp-record-streamer as described here;
  5. Finally with above config recordigns will be available in /var/snap/rtsp-to-webrtsp/common/recordings/DVR/;

How enable TLS with Let's Encrypt certificate (highly recommended)
