WenjinGudaisy / SearcHPV

An HPV integration point detection tool for targeted capture sequencing data
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An HPV integration point detection tool for targeted capture sequencing data


Getting started

  1. Required resources

    • Unix like environment
  2. Download and install Firstly, download and install the required resources. 1) Download Anaconda >=4.11.0: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/linux.html#install-linux-silent

    2) Download the "environment.yaml" file under this repository

    3) Creat conda environment for SearcHPV:

        conda env create -f [your_path]/environment.yaml
    This command will automatically set up all the third-party tools and packages required for SearcHPV and install latest version of SearcHPV. The name of the environment is "searcHPV".
    You can check the packages and tools in this environment by:
    conda list -n searcHPV
    You can update the environment by:
    conda env update -f [your_path]/environment.yaml
  3. Usage

SearcHPV have four main steps. You could either run it start-to-finish or run it step-by-step.

conda activate searcHPV

If you are running commands in a bash script, start with:

source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh;
conda activate searcHPV; 
#[searcHPV commands...]

Note: Please check your path of "conda.sh" if you did not install Anaconda in the home directory.

searcHPV <options> ...

Note: If you've already indexed the virus and human reference files for BWA, Samtools, Picard, you do not need to add the "-index" option, especailly when you are running for a batch of samples that share the same virus and human reference files and you do not want to spend time on indexing references every time running a sample. The commands for indexing the virus and human reference files:

#activate SearcHPV conda environment first to make sure using the correct versions of tools
ref = '[path_of_your_reference_file]'
bwa index {ref}
samtools faidx {ref}
picard CreateSequenceDictionary R={ref} O={ref.replace('.fa','.dict')
  1. Examples:

    1) Run it start-to-finish and submit a SBATCH job:

        #SBATCH --job-name=searcHPV
        #SBATCH --mail-user=wenjingu@umich.edu
        #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END
        #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
        #SBATCH --nodes=1
        #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
        #SBATCH --mem=40gb
        #SBATCH --time=100:00:00
        #SBATCH --account=XXXXX
        #SBATCH --partition=standard
        #SBATCH --output=searcHPV.log
        #SBATCH --error=searcHPV.err
        source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh;
        conda activate searcHPV;      
        searcHPV -fastq1 Sample_81279.R1.fastq.gz -fastq2 Sample_81279.R2.fastq.gz -humRef hs37d5.fa -virRef HPV.fa -output /home/scratch/HPV_fusion/Sample_81279 -gz -index;

    2) Run it step-by-step:

    searchHPV -alignment -fastq1 Sample_81279.R1.fastq.gz -fastq2 Sample_81279.R2.fastq.gz -humRef hs37d5.fa -virRef HPV.fa -output /home/scratch/HPV_fusion/Sample_81279 -gz -index
    searchHPV -genomeFusion -fastq1 Sample_81279.R1.fastq.gz -fastq2 Sample_81279.R2.fastq.gz -humRef hs37d5.fa -virRef HPV.fa -output /home/scratch/HPV_fusion/Sample_81279 -gz
    searchHPV -assemble -fastq1 Sample_81279.R1.fastq.gz -fastq2 Sample_81279.R2.fastq.gz -humRef hs37d5.fa -virRef HPV.fa -output /home/scratch/HPV_fusion/Sample_81279 -gz
    searchHPV -hpvFusion -fastq1 Sample_81279.R1.fastq.gz -fastq2 Sample_81279.R2.fastq.gz -humRef hs37d5.fa -virRef HPV.fa -output /home/scratch/HPV_fusion/Sample_81279 -gz
    Note: if run it step-by-step, please make sure the output directories for all steps are the same.


  1. Alignment: the marked dupliaction alignment bam file and customized reference genome.\
  2. Genome Fusion Point Calling: orignal callset, filtered callset, filtered clustered callset.\
  3. Assemble: supportive reads, contigs for each integration events (unfiltered).\
  4. HPV fusion Point Calling: alignment bam file for contigs againt human and HPV genome.\ Final outputs are under the folder "call_fusion_virus": summary of all the integration events : "HPVfusionPointContig.txt" contig sequences for all the integration events: "ContigsSequence.fa"


SearcHPV: a novel approach to identify and assemble human papillomavirus-host genomic integration events in cancer --- Accepted by Cancer

