Wertzui123 / BedrockClans

An advanced PocketMine-MP clan plugin with many creative features
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 8 forks source link

Suggestion #34

Closed MrNinja008 closed 3 years ago

MrNinja008 commented 3 years ago

• a Scorehud ScoreTags for scorehud version 6.0.0+++ • Top Clan Leaderboard • Able to disable commands like bank bla bla via config • A Clan UI Like if you dont have a clan it will show just create button if you are owner it will show all clan buttons if you are member it will dont show delete or create button. • able to increase clan member slots • Database support • cooldown if member left a clan they need to wait 5min to join the clan back • FIX EXPOLIT 2 people in a clan x person left the clan and y person atck the x person to get clan points after that y person invite x person back to the clan -.-

MrNinja008 commented 3 years ago

I am going to create clan tags:)

MrNinja008 commented 3 years ago

Dont mind the last expolit issue i thought this is BravoClan

Wertzui123 commented 3 years ago

a Scorehud ScoreTags for scorehud version 6.0.0+++


Top Clan Leaderboard


Able to disable commands like bank bla bla via config


A Clan UI Like if you dont have a clan it will show just create button if you are owner it will show all clan buttons if you are member it will dont show delete or create button.


able to increase clan member slots

There are no clan member slots.

Database support

Of course it uses a database.

cooldown if member left a clan they need to wait 5min to join the clan back


• FIX EXPOLIT 2 people in a clan x person left the clan and y person atck the x person to get clan points after that y person invite x person back to the clan -.-

What are clan points?

Seriously, please put a little bit more effort into your issues next time.

Wertzui123 commented 3 years ago

Please create a new issue for:

cooldown if member left a clan they need to wait 5min to join the clan back