WesleyBranton / Custom-Scrollbar

Give your internet browser a personal touch with customized scrollbars!
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Option to Change Hover and Click Colors of Scrollbar Thumb #165

Open Mosscairn opened 2 years ago

Mosscairn commented 2 years ago

Hello, I noticed that it is currently not possible to adjust the colors that the scrollbar fades to when hovered over and when clicked. This can make it a bit more difficult to see against tracks with darker themes, and the default fade doesn't look particularly great with some colors.

Thanks for your time! This is a great tool <3

WesleyBranton commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm guessing you are on Firefox. Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't let me control the hover color. However, Chrome does, so it would be possible to add an option to the Chrome version of the add-on. Currently, the add-on checks the color and tries to brighten/darken the color to offer the best contrast. This might not be ideal for all people, but it does work better for dark colors than Firefox's approach.

Mosscairn commented 2 years ago

I just tested a new config with a dark thumb and I see the feature you're talking about! It looks like anything darker than 282828 brightens, which is quite handy for very dark track+thumb colors, but doesn't quite cover some cases.

Here is the scrollbar I use- my browser theme comes from the Gruvbox palette. Since it has a bright thumb + dark track, the plugin doesn't quite get the hover contrast right. image

Perhaps checking the track color as well as the thumb when picking the contrast could help with cases like this?

WesleyBranton commented 2 years ago

I will look into it. There may be some colors that look dark visually, but are not actually considered a "dark" color to a computer. I do like the idea of factoring in the color of the track as well.