WiIIiam278 / HuskTowns

A simple and elegant proxy-compatible Towny-style protection plugin
Apache License 2.0
77 stars 44 forks source link

Wrong username on clickable town invite #532

Open fabianmakila opened 5 days ago

fabianmakila commented 5 days ago

We had a player named RedLine__ create a town invite for a player. The other player received the invite, but the command that runs when you click "Accept" for some reason had the username RedLine_\_, instead which made the command not work.

Expected clickable command: /town invite accept RedLine__ Observed command: /town invite accept RedLine_\_

I assume HuskTowns for some reason escapes the second underscore.

Version information

Server version: Paper version 1.21.3-60-master@cf956ac HuskTowns version: 3.0.7