Wikidata / StrepHit

An intelligent reading agent that understands text and translates it into Wikidata statements.
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Development Corpus Verb Ranking #5

Closed marfox closed 8 years ago

marfox commented 8 years ago

Build a ranking out of the list of extracted verbs as per #4

marfox commented 8 years ago is responsible for this task. Currently, it performs the following steps:

  1. compute the TF/IDF matrix via TfIdfVectorizer;
  2. compute the cosine similarity score between each verb token and each corpus document, via linear_kernel;
  3. compute the standard deviation of the similarity score list;
  4. output 2 verb lemmas rankings:
    1. average similarity score of all token scores;
    2. average standard deviation.
marfox commented 8 years ago

Here are the: