Wildhoney / RedisCache

Simple Node.js based Redis cache for storing large collections of data.
16 stars 7 forks source link

Does not work as a node_module #1

Open grahamb opened 9 years ago

grahamb commented 9 years ago

The readme for this project states that it should be included in a node project via the usual var cache = require('rediscache'). This doesn't actually work.

$ npm install rediscache
rediscache@0.0.2 node_modules/rediscache
├── q@0.9.7
├── redis@0.9.2
├── grunt-contrib-jshint@0.7.2 (jshint@2.3.0)
├── grunt@0.4.5 (dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3, which@1.0.5, eventemitter2@0.4.14, getobject@0.1.0, rimraf@2.2.8, colors@0.6.2, async@0.1.22, grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0, hooker@0.2.3, exit@0.1.2, nopt@1.0.10, minimatch@0.2.14, glob@3.1.21, lodash@0.9.2, coffee-script@1.3.3, underscore.string@2.2.1, iconv-lite@0.2.11, findup-sync@0.1.3, js-yaml@2.0.5, grunt-legacy-log@0.1.1)
├── grunt-contrib-uglify@0.2.7 (grunt-lib-contrib@0.6.1, uglify-js@2.4.15)
└── express@3.4.8 (methods@0.1.0, merge-descriptors@0.0.1, debug@0.8.1, range-parser@0.0.4, cookie-signature@1.0.1, fresh@0.2.0, buffer-crc32@0.2.1, cookie@0.1.0, mkdirp@0.3.5, commander@1.3.2, send@0.1.4, connect@2.12.0)

$ node
> var cache = require('rediscache')
Error: Cannot find module 'rediscache'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
    at require (module.js:380:17)
    at repl:1:13
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21)
    at repl.js:249:20
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:122:7)
    at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12)
    at Interface.emit (events.js:95:17)

Your package.json has a "main": "index.js" entry; however, there is no file named index.js anywhere in the project.

Wildhoney commented 9 years ago

Apologies! It's an old and seemingly badly packaged module. It should be fine now if you try a: npm install rediscache#v0.1.1 --save.

Please let me know :beers: