Wilfred / difftastic

a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
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difft does shows single/double quote as a diff for python #714

Closed eduard93 closed 1 month ago

eduard93 commented 1 month ago

Great tool!

(1) A description of the issue. A screenshot is often helpful too.

I'm comparing two python files, where the majority of changes is a swap between single and double quotes, which should be ignored. However difftastic shows quote changes as a difference.


(2) A copy of what you're diffing. I'm diffing files.


def my_func():
    print("Hello World")


def my_func():
    print('Hello World')

Expected result: no differences.

(3) The version of difftastic you're using (see difft --version) and your operating system.

Difftastic 0.58.0 (0c92771 2024-05-10, built with rustc 1.65.0) Running on Windows 11.

Wilfred commented 1 month ago

This is intentional I'm afraid. Difftastic is a syntactic differ, and semantic information about which string literals are equivalent are out of scope. In some languages, single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings are different (e.g. in bash or PHP) due to different interpolation rules.

eduard93 commented 1 month ago

Fair. Any chance you can point me to a place where I can make this change in my forked repo? Something like a place where difftastic gets a list of changes to output? I want to manually remove single/double quote differences.

Wilfred commented 1 month ago

@eduard93 you should be able to change what's considered the content of the Atom when it's a string here:


If it's an AtomKind::String, drop the first and last characters of content.