Closed Arsiuuu closed 12 months ago
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.270", "train_loss_ita": "6.418", "epoch": 0}
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.133", "train_loss_ita": "6.077", "epoch": 1}
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.061", "train_loss_ita": "5.849", "epoch": 2}
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.036", "train_loss_ita": "5.684", "epoch": 3}
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.028", "train_loss_ita": "5.590", "epoch": 4}
{"train_lr": "0.000", "train_loss_itm": "0.026", "train_loss_ita": "5.546", "epoch": 5}
性能gap可能是没有选择正确的.pth,我们采用base模型是指区分于blip_capfilt这种模型架构,但是预训练参数是需要根据任务调整的,调整骨架参数不影响我们对比不同baseline方法(Uniadapter, Lora)等的优劣,具体的预训练参数选择可以通过如下网站:
您试着看下med.py的261看看那个信息上下文增强的,435看下那个门控的。另外能给您的pip list我看下吗?我不清楚我这个线程崩溃是内存问题还是我安装的版本不妥?(我8张4090 24G显存,搞不懂就是跑不出)
谢谢,435行门控是不是需要再像 修改一下?
以下是我的pip list,因为是从公共环境拷贝,所以有点杂,见谅。如果您成功复现,麻烦告诉我一声。 Package Version
antlr4-python3-runtime 4.8
appdirs 1.4.4
argon2-cffi 20.1.0
astor 0.8.1
async-generator 1.10
attrs 19.3.0
autocommand 2.2.1
av 8.0.2
backcall 0.1.0
bidict 0.21.4
bleach 3.1.0
boto3 1.23.10
botocore 1.26.10
cairocffi 1.2.0
CairoSVG 2.5.2
certifi 2021.5.30
cffi 1.14.5
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.2
click-help-colors 0.9
cloudpickle 2.2.1
colorama 0.4.4
coloredlogs 15.0
commonmark 0.9.1
configparser 5.2.0
coverage 5.0.3
cssselect 1.1.0
cssselect2 0.4.1
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.29.14
dataclasses 0.8
decorator 4.4.1
decord 0.6.0
defusedxml 0.6.0
docker-pycreds 0.4.0
docutils 0.15.2
easydict 1.9
einops 0.4.1
elasticsearch 7.12.1
entrypoints 0.3
environs 9.5.0
fairscale 0.4.6
faiss 1.7.1
filelock 3.0.12
flake8 3.7.9
Flask 1.1.2
ftfy 6.0.3
future 0.18.2
gitdb 4.0.9
GitPython 3.1.18
grad-cam 1.4.8
graphviz 0.13
huggingface-hub 0.4.0
humanfriendly 9.1
humanize 3.5.0
idna 2.8
imageio 2.6.1
importlib-metadata 0.23
importlib-resources 5.4.0
iniconfig 1.1.1
ipykernel 5.1.3
ipython 7.9.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 7.5.1
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jedi 0.15.1
Jinja2 2.10.3
jmespath 0.10.0
joblib 0.14.0
jsonschema 3.1.1
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 5.3.4
jupyter-console 6.0.0
jupyter-core 4.6.1
jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2
kiwisolver 1.1.0
lmdb 1.4.1
lxml 4.6.3
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
marshmallow 3.14.1
matplotlib 3.1.1
mccabe 0.6.1
mistune 0.8.4
mkl-fft 1.3.0
mkl-random 1.1.1
mkl-service 2.3.0
more-itertools 7.2.0
multiprocessing-logging 0.3.4
nbclient 0.5.3
nbconvert 5.6.1
nbformat 4.4.0
nest-asyncio 1.5.1
networkx 2.4
ninja 1.10.0.post2
nltk 3.3
notebook 6.0.1
numpy 1.19.5
nvidia-dali 0.22.0
oathtool 2.3.1
olefile 0.46
omegaconf 2.1.0
onnx 1.7.0
packaging 21.0
pandas 1.1.5
pandocfilters 1.4.2
parso 0.5.1
path 16.2.0
pathtools 0.1.2
petrel-oss-sdk v2.2.1-2-g1505ef3-master
pexpect 4.7.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 8.2.0
Pillow-SIMD 6.0.0.post0
pip 19.3.1
pluggy 0.13.1
prettytable 0.7.2
prometheus-client 0.7.1
prompt-toolkit 2.0.10
protobuf 3.19.6
psutil 5.9.6
ptyprocess 0.6.0
py 1.10.0
pybind11 2.6.2
pycocoevalcap 1.2
pycocotools 2.0.7
pycodestyle 2.5.0
pycparser 2.20
pyDes 2.0.1
pyflakes 2.1.1
pygal 2.4.0
Pygments 2.9.0
pyparsing 3.0.9
pyrsistent 0.15.5
pytest 6.2.4
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-dotenv 0.19.2
python-engineio 4.3.0
python-socketio 5.5.0
pytz 2021.1
PyWavelets 1.1.1
PyYAML 5.3.1
pyzmq 18.1.0
qtconsole 4.5.5
QtPy 1.9.0
readme-renderer 24.0
regex 2023.8.8
requests 2.25.1
requests-toolbelt 0.9.1
retrying 1.3.3
rich 10.1.0
ruamel.yaml 0.17.4
ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.2
s3transfer 0.5.2
sacremoses 0.0.53
scikit-image 0.16.2
scikit-learn 0.21.3
scipy 1.3.1
seaborn 0.9.0
selenium 3.141.0
Send2Trash 1.5.0
sentry-sdk 1.34.0
setproctitle 1.2.3
setuptools 41.6.0.post20191030
six 1.15.0
smmap 5.0.0
spring 0.6.1+cu112.torch181.mvapich2.pmi2.nartgpu
spring-aux 0.6.7.develop.2021-12-29t02-21.8592b9f9
terminado 0.8.2
testpath 0.4.2
timm 0.6.12
tinycss 0.4
tinycss2 1.1.0
tokenizers 0.12.1
toml 0.10.2
torch 1.8.1+cuda112.cudnn8.1.0
torchvision 0.9.0a0+8fb5838
tornado 6.0.3
tqdm 4.37.0
traitlets 4.3.3
transformers 4.18.0
ttach 0.0.3
twine 2.0.0
ujson 4.3.0
urllib3 1.26.18
wandb 0.15.11
wcwidth 0.1.7
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.2.3
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.33.6
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
zipp 3.6.0
Hi~ Thanks for the excellent work. So now the codes about qurey gated transformation and Informative Context Enhancement are not in the repo? Should I add my own code implementation? If so, what's the form of the codes? Thank you!