WillForan / zim-wiki-mode

Zim Wiki mode for emacs -- an extention of dokuwiki mode
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emacs journal zim-wiki


An elisp package for editing zim-wiki in emacs.

This package primarily provides convenient page linking and journaling by extending dokuwiki-mode and wrapping functions around helm-projectile, helm-ag, and link-hint. A menu is provided through pretty-hydra. A very basic and slow-to-initialize completion method (zim-wiki-mode-complete) uses company-mode. Zim Desktop Wiki's sqlite db can be accessed for tag completion (company-capf) and backlink lookup (heml).


Zim's plain text markup is open to any editor. But only Zim Desktop Wiki itself is any good at actually editing pages. zim-wiki-mode intends to improve the editing experience in Emacs.

zim-wiki-mode also make editing on Android a bit more accessible, however it's a kludge. See syncthing (or owncloud, gdrive, dropbox, etc), termux, and pkg install emacs


using zim-wiki-mode with the zerodark theme and M+ 1M font.

demo gif


zim-wiki-mode is a recipe in melpa!

If you want bleeding edge, grab from git. ~/.emacs.d/init.el might include

;; setup wiki mode
(use-package zim-wiki-mode
  :quelpa ((dokuwiki :fetcher github :repo "WillForan/zim-wiki-mode") :upgrade t)
    ("C-c z" . zim-wiki-goto-now)
    (:map zim-wiki-mode-map
            ("M-p" . #'outline-previous-visible-heading)
            ("M-n" . #'outline-next-visible-heading)
            ("M-S-<return>" . #'org-insert-item))
    (add-hook 'zim-wiki-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
    (setq zim-wiki-always-root "~/notes/PersonalWiki") ; if not set, would use projectile directory
    (setq zim-wiki-journal-datestr "Calendar/%Y/%02m.txt")

    (zim-wiki-refresh-completion) ; SLOW. get list for company-cap
    (zim-wiki-list-tags-refresh)  ; get tags from sqlite3 db

    (evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'zim-wiki-mode "z" 'zim-wiki-hydra/body))

;; modified dokuwiki-mode with outline-magic symmetric headers
(use-package dokuwiki-mode
  :quelpa ((dokuwiki :fetcher github :repo "WillForan/dokuwiki-mode") :upgrade t)
  :ensure t
   (require outline-magic)
   (flyspell-mode 1))



Default keys. Rearranged and annotated output of C-c ?

; menu
C-c C-z      zim-wiki-hydra/body              see all the options

; go places
C-c C-n     zim-wiki-goto-now                 jump to now page
C-c M-f     zim-wiki-helm-projectile          go to page by title search
C-c C-f     zim-wiki-search                   go to page by content search
C-c RET     zim-wiki-ffap                     go to link cursor is over
C-c M-RET   zim-wiki-ffap-below               open link in new window below current

; insert links
C-c M-l     zim-wiki-insert-helm-projectile   insert link by title searching
C-c C-l     zim-wiki-insert-search            insert link by filename/title search
C-c C-N     zim-wiki-insert-now-link          link now page on current page
C-c M-w     zim-wiki-link-wrap                wrap e.g a:b:c into [[a:b:c]]

; link based on history
C-c C-p     zim-wiki-insert-prev-buffer-link  insert link on current page to previous buffer
C-c M-y     zim-wiki-buffer-path-to-kill-ring copy current buffer file name
C-c M-p     zim-wiki-insert-kill-ring-as-link paste filename as link

; date operations
C-c C-n     zim-wiki-goto-now                 jump to now page
C-c C-N     zim-wiki-insert-now-link          link now page on current page
C-c M-n     zim-wiki-insert-current-at-now    put current page link on now page, go to now page