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I need help reapplying heterosexuality to my friends after using SparseRestore. URGENT! #775

Open thunderarchiv opened 6 hours ago

thunderarchiv commented 6 hours ago

So basically I'm on iOS 16.7.5 on my iPhone X and applied SparseRestore for the first time as I've been too busy to test up to this point. I was so happy to test it out. I followed all the directions carefully and accurately like I always do and thanked god for not making me born as an eta kid. After that I applied the exploit same way I would with any exploit, except the results were so shocking that I think I have PTSD at this point. You see, after it sucessfully applied and rebooted, strange things immediately began happening. AND I MEAN STRANGE. My wallpaper was suddenly an anime girl holding up a sign that said "I am an [insert f-slur] :3". I couldn't process it at first, and then the realization hit... It was the unthinkable. It wasn't even a girl. IT WAS A GODDAMN FEMBOY. I immediately recoiled and brutally threw my phone across the room. I slowly picked it up and saw that the back glass was shattered even tho it landed on the carpet. "Oh well" I thought, "at least I'm not gay". And this would turn out to be true, but not anywhere close to what I imagined. It's currently no man's land as I'm writing this, I've never seen so much say gex in my life...

mbs0ft commented 6 hours ago