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Fields.lua currency data #1722

Closed erupt321 closed 5 years ago

erupt321 commented 5 years ago

There are some issues with the currency field 0x113 I am noticing. Unity accolades is actually showing login points. I found the accolades data matched at 0XE4, fiddled a little yesterday but probably easier for someone more familiar with these. Can post some packet viewer info later if needed.

erupt321 commented 5 years ago

Messed around and figured out what I was doing, added spacers to the new location of unity accolades and renamed unity accolades to login points.

Submitted these changes to fields.lua now.

--Currency Info (Currencies I)
fields.incoming[0x113] = L{
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Conquest Points (San d\'Oria)'},         -- 04
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Conquest Points (Bastok)'},              -- 08
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Conquest Points (Windurst)'},            -- 0C
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Beastman Seals'},                        -- 10
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Kindred Seals'},                         -- 12
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Kindred Crests'},                        -- 14
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='High Kindred Crests'},                   -- 16
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Sacred Kindred Crests'},                 -- 18
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Ancient Beastcoins'},                    -- 1A
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Valor Points'},                          -- 1C
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Scylds'},                                -- 1E
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Fishing)'},                -- 20
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Woodworking)'},            -- 24
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Smithing)'},               -- 28
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Goldsmithing)'},           -- 2C
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Weaving)'},                -- 30
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Leathercraft)'},           -- 34
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Bonecraft)'},              -- 38
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Alchemy)'},                -- 3C
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Guild Points (Cooking)'},                -- 40
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Cinders'},                               -- 44
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Fire)'},                 -- 48
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Ice)'},                  -- 49
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Wind)'},                 -- 4A
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Earth)'},                -- 4B
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Lightning)'},            -- 4C
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Water)'},                -- 4D
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Light)'},                -- 4E
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Synergy Fewell (Dark)'},                 -- 4F
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Ballista Points'},                       -- 50
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Fellow Points'},                         -- 54
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Chocobucks (San d\'Oria)'},              -- 58
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Chocobucks (Bastok)'},                   -- 5A
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Chocobucks (Windurst)'},                 -- 5C
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Daily Tally'},                           -- 5E
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Research Marks'},                        -- 60
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Wizened Tunnel Worms'},                  -- 64
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Wizened Morion Worms'},                  -- 65
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Wizened Phantom Worms'},                 -- 66
    {ctype='char',              label='_unknown1'},                             -- 67   Currently holds no value
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Moblin Marbles'},                        -- 68
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Infamy'},                                -- 6C
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Prestige'},                              -- 6E
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Legion Points'},                         -- 70
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Sparks of Eminence'},                    -- 74
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Shining Stars'},                         -- 78
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Imperial Standing'},                     -- 7C
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum)'},     -- 80
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Assault Points (M.J.T.G.)'},             -- 84
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Assault Points (Lebros Cavern)'},        -- 88
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Assault Points (Periqia)'},              -- 8C
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll)'},         -- 90
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Nyzul Tokens'},                          -- 94
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Zeni'},                                  -- 98
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Jettons'},                               -- 9C
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Therion Ichor'},                         -- A0
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Allied Notes'},                          -- A4
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored'},              -- A8
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='Login Points'},                          -- AA
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Cruor'},                                 -- AC
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Resistance Credits'},                    -- B0
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Dominion Notes'},                        -- B4
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='5th Echelon Battle Trophies'},           -- B8
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='4th Echelon Battle Trophies'},           -- B9
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='3rd Echelon Battle Trophies'},           -- BA
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='2nd Echelon Battle Trophies'},           -- BB
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='1st Echelon Battle Trophies'},           -- BC
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Cave Conservation Points'},              -- BD
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Imperial Army ID Tags'},                 -- BE
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Op Credits'},                            -- BF
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Traverser Stones'},                      -- C0
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Voidstones'},                            -- C4
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Kupofried\'s Corundums'},                -- C8
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='Moblin Pheromone Sacks'},                -- CC
    {ctype='unsigned char',     label='_unknown1'},                             -- CD
    {ctype='unsigned short',    label='_unknown2'},                             -- CE
    {ctype='signed int',        label='_unknown3'},                             -- D0
    {ctype='signed int',        label='_unknown4'},                             -- D4
    {ctype='signed int',        label='_unknown5'},                             -- D8
    {ctype='signed int',        label='_unknown6'},                             -- DC
    {ctype='signed int',        label='_unknown7'},                             -- E0
    {ctype='signed int',        label='Unity Accolades'},                       -- E4
Chiaia commented 5 years ago

This and more got added #1736