WiringPi / WiringPi-Node

Node.js bindings to wiringPi
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Installation error: Cloning of libWiringPi failed. #35

Closed osmoma closed 8 years ago

osmoma commented 8 years ago


REASON of bug: The "git" package was not installed.

I want to install wiring-pi on my Ubuntu 15.10 laptop, but got some error messages. I have installed Node 4.x from https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions

And have these versions: $ nodejs --version v4.2.4 $ node --version v4.2.4 $ npm --version 2.14.12

$ lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Ubuntu Linux 15.10 Release 15.10 wily

I have attached /home/moma/npm-debug.log and package.json. npm-debug.zip

$ sudo npm install wiring-pi npm WARN package.json moma@1.0.0 No description npm WARN package.json moma@1.0.0 No repository field. npm WARN package.json moma@1.0.0 No README data

wiring-pi@2.1.0 install /home/moma/node_modules/wiring-pi /bin/bash ./install.sh

Cloning libWiringPi ... failed.

FATAL: Cloning libWiringPi failed. Please check install.log and fix any problems. If you're still stuck, then please open a new issue then post all the output and as many details as you can to https://github.com/eugeneware/wiring-pi/issues

npm ERR! Linux 4.2.0-22-generic npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "wiring-pi" npm ERR! node v4.2.4 npm ERR! npm v2.14.12 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE

npm ERR! wiring-pi@2.1.0 install: /bin/bash ./install.sh npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the wiring-pi@2.1.0 install script '/bin/bash ./install.sh'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the wiring-pi package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! /bin/bash ./install.sh npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls wiring-pi npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/moma/npm-debug.log moma@kursk1510:~$

BTW: I managed to Install Nodejs, npm and wiring-pi on Raspberry Pi2 with Rasbian-distro. Also my exsamples of wiring-pi run fine on RPi2. Nice. Thanks in advance.

nekuz0r commented 8 years ago

Can you attach the install.log file please, should be in node_modules/wiring-pi

osmoma commented 8 years ago

My $HOME has no node_modules/ directory. I checked this several times. $ find $HOME -name install.log (not found)

However I found some wiring-pi directories. The first one is empty. $ find . -name wiring-pi ./.npm/registry.npmjs.org/wiring-pi ./.npm/wiring-pi

$ tree ./.npm/registry.npmjs.org/wiring-pi 0 directories, 0 files

$ tree ./.npm/wiring-pi ./.npm/wiring-pi └── 2.1.0 ├── package │   └── package.json └── package.tgz

Thanx for your reply. moma.

EDIT: Just to test. I have now removed Node 4.x from my system. 0) I removed the Node 4.x repository from the system. 1) Removed all node* and npm packages from the system. $ sudo apt remove --purge nodejs npm node* $ sudo apt update

1) I re-installed everything from Ubuntu 15.10 repos. $ sudo apt install nodejs npm nodejs-legacy

Now I have these versions. $ nodejs --version v0.10.25 $ node --version v0.10.25 $ npm --version 1.4.21

Also, I created a new user (test) and tried to npm wiring-pi.

$ sudo npm install wiring-pi Bot no success. It fails with a SIMILAR error message (please see errors.zip). Error with nodejs v0.10.25 and npm 1.4.21.zip

Now it created node_modules/ folder, but is is empty (screenshot attached).

screenshot from 2016-01-05 19-17-33

EDIT: I made a test with Nodejs v5.3.0. It prints a similar error message. Errors with nodejs v5.3.0 and npm 3.3.12.zip

The most important thing is that wiring-pi works on my Raspberry Pi2/Rasbian distro so I can get my irrigation system to work. RPi will control relays with solenoid valves. I want to add a simple GUI for watering times and zones. Thatºs all. Many thanks for your work! Please tell me if I can help with testing.

osmoma commented 8 years ago


I downloaded the source code from Github and run the $ cd wiring-pi-master $ bash ./install.sh

$ cat install.log ./install.sh: 43: ./install.sh: git: not found.
LOL ;-)

$ sudo apt install git $ sudo npm install wiring-pi done. Enjoy ! success1.zip

Please add "git" to dependencies or give a better error message. Thanx.

nekuz0r commented 8 years ago

Ok, great, nice you figured it out.