WizardOfMenlo / stir

STIR 🥣: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries
Apache License 2.0
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What is the purpose of adding ShakePolynomial? #4

Closed cyl19970726 closed 3 weeks ago

cyl19970726 commented 4 weeks ago

In STIR paper, we don't need shake polynomial to verify the ans_polynomial, but in the code implement why we need it?

cyl19970726 commented 4 weeks ago


WizardOfMenlo commented 4 weeks ago

This is an optimization. Computing the Ans polynomial is a quadratic cost for the verifier, so we ask the prover to send it instead. Since we can't trust it, we use a new technique called SHAKE to verify that the sent ans polynomial is correct (and this shake polynomial is the proof for it).

cyl19970726 commented 4 weeks ago

But the degree of answer_polynomial is not very high, Does verifier really spend a lot of time calculating answer_polynomial?

degree = Repetitions_num + odd_samples 

In the below case the highest degree of the answer_polynomial is only 55.

STIR - Shaken
Targeting 128-bits of security - protocol running at 106-bits - soundness: Conjecture
Starting degree: 2^20, stopping_degree: 2^6
Starting rate: 2^-2, folding_factor: 16
Number of rounds: 3. OOD samples: 2
Rates: 2^-2, 2^-5, 2^-8, 2^-11
PoW bits: [22, 18, 16, 18]
Repetitions: [53, 22, 14, 10]
WizardOfMenlo commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, the degree is quite small, but this cost still adds up quite a bit. It could be also a subpar interpolation algorithm, but I remember this being quite a significant difference.

cyl19970726 commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you for your response; it was very helpful. I’m currently integrating STIR into Plonky3 and plan to incorporate WHIR in the next phase.

WizardOfMenlo commented 4 weeks ago

Ah very nice! When you do, there is a significant verifier optimization for STIR that I have not implemented yet. When you get around writing the verifier, let me know and I can explain.

cyl19970726 commented 4 weeks ago

I’m currently integrating the prover and may start on intergating STIR verifier into Plonky3 next week. With your explanation of this optimization, I believe I can implement it in this repo at first.